- The Washington Times - Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Former Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. said Tuesday that President Trump’s decision to declassify FISA court documents and Justice Department messages about the Russia investigation is “an especially dangerous abuse of power.”

Mr. Holder criticized Mr. Trump for holding, “his self-interest about the national security interests of the country.”

Mr. Trump  announced the move Monday afternoon, after repeated requests from Republicans in both chambers of Congress.

The 19 documents declassified would provide an insight to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act application process, FBI interviews with DOJ official Bruce Ohr, and interview reports regarding the FISA application to conduct surveillance on former Trump campaign aide Carter Page.

SEE ALSO: Donald Trump orders declassification of Russia probe documents

Republicans contend that Mr. Ohr had a hand in organizing the Steele dossier, which they argue was the basis for spying on Mr. Page and the Russia investigation into the Trump campaign.

Mr. Trump has denied all wrong doing and argued he is the victim of a “witch hunt.” The president claims that Democrats, who were connected to the Steele dossier, are the ones truly guilty of colluding with Russians.

• Gabriella Muñoz can be reached at gmunoz@washingtontimes.com.

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