- The Washington Times - Monday, September 17, 2018

Eric Holder — remember him? — came forward at a Human Rights Campaign dinner in Washington, D.C., to say, shock of all shocks, President Donald Trump is a fear-mongering disaster who’s busily selling so-called patriotic lines to like-minded bigots, all as part of a desperate political ploy to keep ahold of his White House power.

Yawn. This is Holder’s whole schtick, telling all who will listen that conservatives, by the simple act of being conservative, are racist, bigoted, misogynist and pro-police brutality.

His latest?

Taking aim at Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan.

“This sort of thinking,” the former attorney general said, Mediaite reported, “this ’Make America Great’ mindset is not only flawed. It’s rooted in fear. And it favors an imagined past over a realistic future.”

Holder, who served under former President Barack Obama, said that he hears that phrase and wonders: Just “what decade, what year” “do they have in mind” for the return to greatness?

“Certainly,” he said, “it was not when people were enslaved. Certainly, it was not when segregation was the law of the land. Certainly, it was not when women were disenfranchised. Certainly, it was not when the LGBT community was routinely stigmatized.”

Nice try.

The “MAGA” phrase, along with its hat, T-shirt, pocketbooks and other products — this was all the byproduct of a failed Barack Obama administration.

Obama drove the economy into the dumps. Obama earned the nickname “food stamp president.” Obama stretched borders open wide to flood the nation with as many illegals — that is, Democratic Party voters — as possible, bypassing Congress in the DACA-dealing process. Obama hung the albatross of environmental regulations heavy about Americans’ necks. Obama pushed a disastrous and dangerous nuclear deal with anti-America, anti-Israel Iran. Obama ceded America’s global leadership on foreign policy to the likes of Russia and China. Obama put the interests of the United Nations and European allies before that of even the U.S. Constitution. Obama pretended the concept of radical Islamic terror was an imaginary device of the anti-Muslim bigots of the world. Obama told U.S. businesses they didn’t built that, all the while touting Big Government as the way of the future.

And Holder, under Obama, perpetrated his own Fast and Furious myths, his own telephone-tapping journalistic endeavors.

MAGA, as used during Trump’s campaign season, clearly meant an end of Obama-era atrocities. The whole “Make America Great Again” phrase was always a promise to tear down the Obama walls and bring back a country that led, that inspired, that wasn’t a pool of progressivist-slash-socialist muck.

Holder, of course, knows that. He’s just trying to skew truths because — well, because that’s what his party does. That’s what the left does: It lies.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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