- The Washington Times - Friday, September 14, 2018

A new poll from CNN found: Most Americans just don’t think there’s enough evidence there to impeach President Donald Trump.

The heck you say.

Nope. It’s true. Even pollsters serving the mainstream leftist media gods couldn’t sell this one.

The poll question went like this: “Do you think there is or is not enough cause right now for Congress to begin hearings into whether or not President Trump should be impeached?”

And fully 53 percent said no.

It should be 95 percent — allowing for 5 percent who ought to be in insane asylums but are not (or, to sum it a different way, all of Maxine Waters’ friends and supporters). But it is what it is. Perhaps the more significant finding was this: Even those 20 percent of respondents who believe Trump ought to be impeached don’t think there’s enough evidence now to impeach.

That means even the loons who want to impeach are forced to acknowledge — are regretfully, unhappily, kicking and screaming-ly forced to acknowledge — that there just isn’t any evidence there to impeach.

And what this all really means is that if the Democrats take Congress this November, don’t be surprised when suddenly, inexplicably, out of the blue, the left comes up with the quote-unquote missing evidence to impeach Trump.

In 2016, the big deal for conservatives was the Supreme Court.

In the 2018 midterms, the big deal is keeping Trump from getting impeached.

These Democrats — what a racket they have. For them, it’s all about the power, nothing about the country.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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