- The Washington Times - Thursday, September 13, 2018

Democrats and their lies — it’s getting tougher and tougher to keep track of ’em all.

In just the past few days, there was Sen. Kamala Harris and her utterly deceptive tweet of Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh’s characterization of birth control as “abortion-inducing drugs,” a phrase that he only used as a direct quote of another, the Priests for Life. Harris, in an outright lie, attributed the quote directly to Kavanaugh, saying he “was nominated for the purpose of taking away a woman’s constitutionally protected right to” choose, and that, “make no mistake — this is about punishing women.”

Lie, lie, lie. Democrats seem to churn them out, they simply can’t stop themselves.

There was Hillary Clinton, taking Harris’ lie and running down a whole new path with it.

“I want to be sure we’re all clear about something that Brett Kavanaugh said in his confirmation hearings last week,” Clinton tweeted. “He referred to birth-control pills as ’abortion-inducing drugs.’ That set off a lot of alarm bells for me, and it should for you, too.”

There was the democratic socialist Julia Salazar who went all Elizabeth Warren-y during her campaign for state Senate in New York and said she was a “proud” Colombian-born immigrant with working-class familial roots — but who was really a U.S.-born citizen with a middle-class family of Republican political leanings. There was also a question about Salazar’s claims of Jewish ancestry — with the biggest question mark raised by none other than her brother, Alex.

“There was nobody in our immediate family who was Jewish,” he said in an interview with The Tablet, before adding that his sister had in fact been baptized into the Catholic faith.

Lies, lies, lies.

There was Sen. Cory Booker with his famous “I am Spartacus” moment at the Kavanaugh hearings, when he — with straight face — managed to liken his intent to break Senate rules and release what he thought were confidential documents to a free-the-slaves rebellion during Roman Republic times. Historical accuracy anyone?

Speaking of which — there was former President Barack Obama’s moment in the eye-rolling Illinois sun when he tried to steal President Donald Trump’s economic thunder, as if eight years of double-digit unemployment rates and fleeing American businesses could be so easily forgotten.

There’s Bob Woodward standing by his book of anti-Trumpisms, despite the outright denials from White House notables about some of the quotes that were attributed to their mouths. There’s The New York Times and its hatchet job of an op-ed against the administration, penned by an unnamed source.

There are more, many more. But those are just the lies, deceptions, spins and skews from recent days.

The Democrats, if they seriously want to win elections, ought to keep in mind: The American people have Internet.

Voters have radio, and television and 24-7 access to news.

The media is no longer made up of the Big Three networks — ABC, NBC and CBS.

That means the lies that would’ve sold a few decades ago because of the inability of the public to access a variety of news and fact-checking sources won’t sell so easily today.

It’s not tough to do an online search to see what others are saying, to learn how others are reporting, to discern and separate what’s truth from fiction.

Apparently, Democrats haven’t caught up with modern times. So a word of advice? The American public, by and large, is a forgiving bunch. But nobody likes a liar — no, not even voters. It’s just not that hard for citizens to see when Democrats are lying.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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