- The Washington Times - Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Buckle up, America. The roller-coaster ride the left began over Justice Brett Kavanaugh has only rounded curve one.

Just because Kavanaugh has been confirmed to the Supreme Court doesn’t mean his attackers are acknowledging defeat, packing their f-bomb banners and hashtag Resist poster boards and heading home to quietly prepare for the next political battle.

They’re not quite done with this one, yet.

Kavanaugh’s just a linchpin to the Democrats’ greater campaign designs. And the left’s rhetoric, if anything, has grown hotter in recent days.

Already, talk around town is the Democrats are sniffing out ways to impeach Kavanaugh, or at the least, declare the high court an illegitimate sham.

Sen. Cory Booker, of “I Am Spartacus” fame, is one who favors impeachment; so, too, Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez, former Attorney General Eric Holder and perhaps Sen. Dianne Feinstein.

The far left base, meanwhile, is agitating for even more agitation.

Communist sympathizers attending the University of Texas-Austin actually went so far as to post on the internet the names, emails, telephone numbers and places of employment of conservatives on campus, the Young Conservatives of Texas, who had spoken in favor of Kavanaugh, Campus Reform noted.

The blog they posted to was titled, “THE YCT: NOT JUST RACISTS, BUT RAPE APOLOGISTS TOO!”

Meanwhile, look at this rhetoric, courtesy of a New York Magazine senior art critic — an art critic, for crying out loud — on Twitter.

“Come gather round people wherever you roam & shun any republican family member you have,” tweeted writer Jerry Saltz. “Until this president is gone. You don’t need to tell that family member that you are shunning them. Just stand up for your country very close to home. Make it hurt for both of you. Rise. Rise.”

That was a just after he posted a photo of a carved male figure bent over, showing his uncovered behind and privates, beneath this tweet: “Time to get ruthless. ALL Republicans must go; every one; none should be allowed to appear in polite society again; must be shunned; relegated to the dustbin of history. White-nationalism dying a hard, mean, mean-hearted death of resentment & rage, trying to kill the country.”

Go quietly into that good night?

That’s not a leftist concept. Here’s what is, though: Agitate, fight, agitate, draw blood and agitate some more. And when the fight’s lost, go get some new agitators, drum up a new point of agitation.

The Democrats may have lost on Kavanaugh. But they’re already scooping up the mud from that battle and tossing it in new directions. Republicans, know thy enemy. Thy enemy never quits.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter @ckchumley.

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