- The Washington Times - Monday, October 8, 2018

Colin Powell, who served in the lead spot at the State Department under George W. Bush, took a nationally televised opportunity on CNN and turned it into hit job on President Donald Trump.


For starters, this time, he characterized the White House as immoral; dinged the administration for its crackdown on illegal immigration; and called out Trump for sidestepping the “we the people” of the Constitution in favor of a “me the president” approach.

Everybody’s entitled to an opinion.

But Powell’s been on an anti-Trump rant for years.

He should realize Trump supporters, when confronted with the arguments of Never Trumpers, simply dig in deeper on their Trump support.

“We’re walking away from agreements, we’re walking away from the alliances that we used to have,” Powell said. “The president goes to Europe to a NATO meeting, but he starts out by insulting some of the other participants, our allies. America has to take a hard look at itself.”

For what exactly? For pulling out of bad agreements?

Trump, who campaigned in part on pulling America out of terrible deals — the Iran nuclear agreement that compromised Western and Israeli security, the horrible trade pacts that buoyed global wealth at the expense of American ingenuity and America’s economy — is simply honoring his campaign promises. It’s no surprise he’s ending these agreements; it’s what he promised voters he’d do.

These are deals that don’t work for America and Trump, the “America First” president, is taking decisive action. That’s what good leaders do.

But Powell, who’s always had a problem with this president, calls it immoral.

“My favorite three words in our Constitution is the first three words, ’We the people. We the people,’” he said. “Recently, it has become me the president as opposed to we the people. You see things that should not be happening. How can a president of the United States get up and say that the media is the enemy of Americans? Has he read the First Amendment? … If we keep doing things like this and creating additional fissures, it’s not going to serve use well on the international stage. I hope the president can come to the realization that he should really stop insulting people.”

This, from the guy who was outed in September 2016 for slamming Trump, in emails that went public, a “national disgrace,” and an “international pariah” who was fueling the “racist” “birther” movement against Barack Obama.

Thing is, though: Trump supporters are on a bit of an edge now, feeling a bit raw and angry over a very evil leftist attempt to destroy the character, reputation and career of Brett Kavanaugh — make that Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh. Powell’s anti-Trump attack is bad timing.

He just appears part and parcel of the whole movement to destroy conservative characters.

And while people may be listening — because his face is on the TV screen — fact is, Powell’s ability to influence stands at zero. His opinion, on Trump, just doesn’t matter.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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