- The Washington Times - Saturday, October 6, 2018

President Trump is now the undisputed winner in the national “Wouldn’t You Rather Not Drive This Ford” contest.

He and we can now say Supreme Court Associate Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh, thanks to a lot of people, but none of it would have mattered if Mr. Trump had not stuck with his appointee when things looked dark and then darker.

Even before Senate confirmation, Mr. Trump had actually become a winner in a different but important sense this week when he stopped calling Bret Kavanaugh’s prime female accuser “credible.”

She never was.

Before Saturday’s vote, the president snapped back to being the “tell-it-as-it-really-is” man whom America elected in 2016.

He did this when he canned his initial flabbergasting respectfulness and went after the charlatan Mrs. Ford — or “Dr. Ford” as the fawning Democrats in Congress and press (even the normally sensible part of the Fourth) — insisted on referring to her.

Talk about political correctness on a mass scale.

Only medical doctors rate — or used to rate — the “doctor” prefix or honorific in U.S. journalism — unless the non-medical “doctors” were possessed of intimidating personalities feared by the press or had huge followings whose sheer numbers intimidated the news media.

Think Dr. Henry Kissinger (his 1954 Harvard doctoral dissertation bore the title A World Restored: Metternich, Castlereagh, and the Problems of Peace, 1812-1822); Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (his 1955 doctoral degree was in systematic theology from Boston University); and a few other persons too big to fail the “I rate the doctor title” test.

In 1996, Mrs. Ford earned a Ph.D. — Measuring Young Children’s Coping Responses to Interpersonal Conflict — in educational psychology from University of Southern California. That’s a fact. One of the few.

Everything she claimed about what happened between her and Brett Kavanaugh when she was 15 and he was 17 didn’t pass the “you can’t be serious” laugh test that ordinary, sensible Americans — yes, including and especially women — attach to such nonsense.

Mrs. Ford said the attempted sexual molestation that she claimed a teenaged Brett Kavanaugh and his prep-school friend had perpetrated at a drunken party in someone’s house (she couldn’t remember whose or where or when exactly) “drastically altered my life” and “terrified me the most and has had the most lasting impact on my life.”


Then you have to wonder how many millions of American women who attended high school are permanently altered because of drunken parties in house’s where the parents were somewhere else for the afternoon or evening.

There was no such wondering by Sen. Chuck Schumer and his Democratic party’s caterwauling, anti-Kavanaugh goons in Senate gallery on Saturday.

They made a mockery of freedom of speech and the right to dissent during the leadup to voter and the actual tally that confirmed Mr. Trump’s appointee to be fifth (presumably) reliable conservative vote on Supreme Court.

The screaming female protesters tried to shout down the Senate proceeding rather than try to make a case for their cause.

They couldn’t shut down the huge rally in Mississippi on Oct. 2 — they weren’t invited or welcome — at which Mr. Trump mocked her “I had one beer” claim in her special 51-year-old little-girl voice.

“How did you get home?” Mr. Trump mockingly asked, then answered in her voice, “I don’t remember.”

“How did you get there?”

“I don’t remember.”

“Where is the place?”

“I don’t remember.”

And on and on.

The rally audience loved it. Democrats and a few rather prissy Republican TV viewers didn’t.

But Mrs. Ford invited the mocking and more. She lied about never flying. Turns out she’s flown often and to various destinations — except the one they call “truth.”

The press barely mentioned that lie — or her other claims shown to be unlikely or her outright contradictions.

The press largely disgraced itself and its own once proudly held principles.

The two initially unlikely persons — both Republicans but considered enemies of conservatism — who did the opposite and emerged as dazzling stars of truth and principle were, first, Sen. Lindsey Graham, whose defense of Judge Kavanaugh was firm and persuasive and smack in the face of Democrats out to smear the Supreme Court nominee.

The other star to emerge was Sen. Susan Collins, whose speech on behalf of Judge Kavanaugh was well-crafted, eloquent, scholarly and worth reading and rereading.

So far, the anguish Justice Kavanaugh, his family and supporters have endured has paid off for everyone, but the Democrats and the press who inflicted the anguish in the first place now reap the discredit they deserve.

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