- The Washington Times - Thursday, October 4, 2018

Republicans, it must be said, are actually showing some bold stripes on the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

And it’s about time, wouldn’t you say?

The GOP for years — years! — during the previous administration practically rolled over and played dead, and allowed the progressive-slash-socialist intents of the Barack Obama White House to take great strides. Obamacare, immigration, bank and business bailouts, wheelings and dealings with Iran, climate change and other radical environmental provisions, transgender bathroom and locker room rights in the schools — these were all the marks of the previous president’s devil-may-care attitude with the Constitution, aided and abetted by a complicit and cowed set of GOPers in Congress.

Yes, Democrats held the majorities in both houses for a time — but not for all of former President Barack Obama’s time. Back then, it didn’t seem to matter, though. What Obama wanted, Obama got.

It’s good, mid-Kavanaugh battle, to see Republicans finally putting their foot down on Democratic demands.

With Kavanaugh’s confirmation process has come a Republican resurgence of sorts. 

First there was Sen. Lindsey Graham’s fiery speech in favor of Kavanaugh, in defiant criticism of the Democrats who were trying to destroy him.

Then there was Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s announcement that the final voting round on Kavanaugh’s confirmation would kick off this week — Democrats and their cries for more delays be danged.

And all along has been the Donald Trump White House, kicking in compliments and character defenses of Kavanaugh here, there and everywhere. 

Of course, not all’s rosy on the Republican front.

Sen. Jeff Flake — with his cave to Democratic will and demand for a week’s delay on Kavanaugh’s vote to allow for an FBI investigation — is the monkey wrench that prevents from hailing the Republican Party as completely back in the saddle. But the GOP is getting there. Strides are being made.

If Republicans aren’t completely back in the saddle, their feet are at least in the stirrups and they’re mounting up, readying to ride.

Kavanaugh’s nomination may very well have sparked a massive resistance movement on the left. But by all appearances, it’s uniting the right.

The utterly horrific treatment of Trump’s Supreme Court nominee has weaponized the Republican Party and now elected leaders, at long last, are beginning to behave like the fighting warriors conservative voters wanted them to be in the first place. What a welcome season. Watch out Democrats; November’s coming fast, and Republicans seem to have found their momentum.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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