- The Washington Times - Monday, October 29, 2018


America is bursting at the seams.

Thousands of people from other nations are marching toward our shared border with Mexico.

People who can’t channel their hatred are directing their hatred toward other people.

Similar to the young white gunman in South Carolina in 2015, another hater named Robert Bowers, 46, entered a synagogue in Pittsburgh on the Sabbath and began spraying bullets at worshipers and, later, police officers. He lives to see another day, for now, while people around the globe are mourning and holding vigils because of the loss of life at the hands of yet another hater.

Anger, hatred and mob mentality are all around, and as things are now, it should seem obvious, to all humans at least, that while prayers are certainly called for when someone passes onto glory, we should pray for peace and life while they are living just because.

Just because someone pisses you off doesn’t mean you should kill or maim.

Just because someone is Jewish doesn’t mean you should fester your God-given body with hatred.

Just because someone is black doesn’t mean a 12-year-old boy should witness you killing his grandad outside a Kroger supermarket near Louisville, Kentucky. (Thank God the doors to a church that the killer had tried to enter beforehand were locked shut.)

Just because you are Muslim, Christian or agnostic doesn’t mean you should reject out of hand the beliefs of others.

Heavy of heart? Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”

Just because you were born in South or Central America doesn’t mean you should lay your burdens upon the United States via illegal entrance.

Indeed, Americans understand why you want to come. You say you want a better life for yourself and your family. You say you want to escape the drugs, violence, sex trafficking and lack of economic opportunities.

Well, here’s an insider’s tip. Americans face the same problems.

Our public education system ill prepares young Americans and adults to acquire industrial jobs as skilled and educated workers — and that’s no lie, as teacher, doctor, nursing and construction shortages are in America’s present and future.

Sure, people tell of the endless possibilities in America, but that doesn’t mean everyone is treated equally — and that’s certainly true of people who, ignorant, uneducated or both, come here and expect the “American Dream” to handed over on a gold-plated platter.

America does not work that way.

That’s why key American leaders plan to position as many 5,000 U.S. troops along our border with Mexico.

Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” is praised for its rendering of Beelzebub on Broadway, but America’s armed forces are not social workers. Their job is to preserve, protect and defend the United States — and that’s no lie either.

And that’s the truth, too.

Deborah Simmons can be contacted at dsimmons@washingtontimes.com.

• Deborah Simmons can be reached at dsimmons@washingtontimes.com.

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