- The Washington Times - Sunday, October 28, 2018

The Democratic Party may be a little too confident about its support among certain demographic groups. Some say the Hispanic vote is not necessarily a lock for the party — and should the Democrats lose this support, it could make a dent. Over 29 million Hispanics are eligible to vote in 2018, according to the Pew Research Center.

Heritage Foundation scholar Mike Gonzalez explored this possibility in his 2014 book “A Race for the Future: How Conservatives Can Break the Liberal Monopoly on Hispanic Americans.” The Republican Party also includes a very active “GOP Hispanics” group — and it is of note that it was Ronald Reagan who inaugurated Hispanic Heritage Month, signing his official proclamation for the observance on Sept. 13, 1988.

“Traditions are the bedrock of all Hispanic culture. They’re what Mexican-Americans and Puerto Ricans and Cuban-Americans and all other Hispanics have in common. And they’re traditions that suffuse the American experience as a whole. But I fear that too often, in the mad rush of modern American life, some people have not learned the great lesson of our Hispanic heritage: the lesson of family and home and church and community,” the 40th president said at the time.

Steve Cortes, president of the Trump Hispanic Advisory and a campaign adviser, tells Inside the Beltway that “for too long, Democrats assume they control the Hispanic vote in America. They further buy into stereotypical myths that Hispanics clamor for a combination of government largesse and soft policies on illegal immigration and the border. Instead, like most Americans, Hispanic citizens want opportunity, economic growth, and security for our communities.”

“Polling heading into the November elections paints a foreboding picture for the Democrats who believe they’re entitled to Latino support. For example, this summer, Harvard-Harris showed a massive 10 percent jump in Hispanic support for President Trump. Recent polling shows Texas Gov. Greg Abbott leading among Hispanic voters in his state, and Florida Gov. Rick Scott also has earned 50 percent of Hispanic poll support in his race for the U.S. Senate,” Mr. Cortes continues.

“Perhaps the number one reason that Hispanics break with historical trends and move toward the GOP is the recent surge in small business growth and optimism for our country. Statistically, the most entrepreneurial demographic in America, Hispanics reap disproportionately large benefits from flourishing small business within the Trump boom,” he says.


The founder of this political movement came forward with his proposal five months ago. In a video published online in May, Brandon Straka advised disenchanted or disappointed Democrats and liberals that they should simply “walk away” from the Democratic Party, which he said had embraced left-leaning values and forgotten its calling.

He simply called his new activism #WalkAway, making use of the power of the social media hashtag.

Mr. Straka’s quest has now hit the public radar. Over 5,000 people and 31 public speakers joined him Saturday in person or via video for a march and a rally on Pennsylvania Avenue in the nation’s capital. Those speakers included Diamond & Silk, Fox News host Tomi Lahren, and former presidential hopeful Herman Cain. There’s an active website. Though most of the mainstream media has yet to cover the new push, Fox News featured the organizer in a broadcast Saturday.

“We’re walking away from the Democratic Party and literally walking toward freedom. People are fed up with what’s happening on the left,” Mr. Straka told the network.

President Trump is also aware of the push to convert Democrats to a more Republican way of thinking.

“Walkaway from the Democrat Party movement marches today in D.C. Congratulations to Brandon Straka for starting something very special,” Mr. Trump tweeted.

The New York Post is also paying attention.

“Furious former Democrats — fed up at the party’s leftward lurch — are banding together in protest under the banner of the #Walkaway movement,” the Post said.

“Democrats seem so angry, like they’ve turned hard left into socialism. It’s very scary to me,” one New York fan told the news organization.

Mr. Straka — who says that there has been a surge in interest following Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings — has now accrued over 96,000 Twitter followers, and 2.6 million views of his introductory video.


March for Life Action — an arm of the massive March for Life staged each January in the nation’s capital — has created a midterm candidate pro-life scorecard, comparing Senate candidates in several battle ground states — including Texas, Missouri, Wisconsin, North Dakota and Tennessee.

“Know exactly where they stand on the right to life,” advises Tom McClusky, president of the organization.

Find it all at Marchforlifeaction.org


Country music legend Charlie Daniels turned 82 on Sunday, and celebrated by writing a personal column for CNSNews.com.

Here’s a small part of Mr. Daniels’ observations.

“To say I have been blessed is a gross understatement, but enumerating my blessings for the world to see is not the purpose of this piece. The real point is, I know there are many people who look forward to retirement and would heartily encourage to go forth on those golden paths and relish your new-found freedom.

“But for those of you, who despite your advanced years, still have a fire in your belly and unaccomplished goals, don’t let a chronological number keep you from relishing the remaining years of your life. From where I stand, I say, go for it! What do you think? Pray for our troops, our police and the peace of Jerusalem. God bless America,” concluded Mr. Daniels, who plans 110 show dates in 2019, and has three new CDs and a book under way.


51 percent of Americans say President Trump is conservative; 66 percent of Republicans, 39 percent of independents and 55 percent of Democrats agree.

15 percent overall say Mr. Trump is a moderate; 23 percent of Republicans, 15 percent of independents and 8 percent of Democrats agree.

6 percent overall say Mr. Trump is a liberal; 3 percent of Republicans, 4 percent of independents and 8 percent of Democrats agree.

29 percent overall are unsure about Mr. Trump’s ideology; 8 percent of Republicans, 42 percent of independents and 29 percent of Democrats agree.

Source: An Economist/YouGov poll of 1,500 U.S. adults conducted Oct. 21-23.

•  Kindly follow Jennifer Harper on Twitter @HarperBulletin.

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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