- The Washington Times - Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said during a televised press conference that the thousands of people walking from Central America to the United States would not be allowed to cross. No, not under any circumstances.

And because he means it — and because this long trail of unruly, unconcerned-with-law people mean to cross — the end result, in the eyes of common sense, means a clash is coming. A physical clash. One of violence and bruisings and injuries and perhaps even bloodshed.

The only thing left to decide are the details: What kind of clash that will be, where that clash will occur, how many that clash will include.

President Donald Trump, for instance, has already stated that he doesn’t have a problem putting the military on the border to turn back this tide. And like Pompeo, Trump no doubt means it, too.

Here’s a bit of what Pompeo said from his State Department podium: “[America] has a message for those who are currently part of this caravan or any caravan which follows: You will not be successful at getting into the United States illegally no matter what. I repeat, the caravan will not cross our southern border under any circumstances.”

What a godsend it’s Pompeo at the helm, not John Kerry, not Hillary Clinton.

What a godsend it’s President Donald Trump in the White House, not Barack Obama.

Of course, under Obama, this caravan wouldn’t exist — but only because it wouldn’t be needed. The borders weren’t so closed back then.


Law and order is considered important. National security is taken seriously. Who knows who’s walking with these infiltrating wanna-bes?

“[It’s] inconceivable that there would not be individuals from the Middle East as a part of this growing caravan,” Vice President Mike Pence said, in remarks delivered from the White House, just minutes before Pompeo’s presser.

It is indeed inconceivable. And the White House owes America a look-see at who’s coming across the border — before they come across the border.

Let’s remember: These people coming from parts south have no legal claim to America. They don’t even have a moral claim, no matter what hardships they’ve endured in their own communities. Refugee and asylum statuses only sell when they’re petitioned via proper pathways; they’re not supposed to be granted to those who craftily steal into America’s back doors and utter them in trained, Get Our Of Jail Card style fashion.

The left, of course, is using this whole caravan situation to its best political advantage, painting those who resist the infiltration as uncaring, absent compassion for those of obvious lesser means. And truthfully, a clash between these people and the U.S. military would make great TV for the left, especially in and around an election season. Can you imagine the crying children? Sens. Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Kamala Harris and Media & Company sure can.

Oh yes, a clash is most decidedly coming. It’s the money shot of what the left has wanted this whole caravan time. 

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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