- Sunday, October 21, 2018

It is time for Sen. Dianne Feinstein to go (“Feinstein says she’d back new Kavanaugh probe if Democrats take Senate,” Web, Oct. 17). Her pathetic display of behavior prior to and during the Kavanaugh hearings was indicative of her poor judgment and inherent bias against Brett Kavanaugh. She, along with a number of her Democratic cohorts, is a total embarrassment to public service. The cards she played with Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford were emblematic of manipulative and strategic maneuvers that ultimately tarnished the validity of genuine victims and the bona fide meaning and relevancy of the #MeToo movement.

Ms. Feinstein’s attempt to decry the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh and her efforts to destroy his reputation, character and integrity, as well as her vote against him following a seventh FBI investigation — which discovered nothing more than unsubstantiated and uncorroborated allegations — demonstrates the lengths she would go for self-serving political interests.

It is apparent Ms. Feinstein has been in her position too long and has become more than stale. Obviously, she has learned nothing from this entire abominable spectacle that captivated the nation for weeks and caused anguish not only for Brett Kavanaugh and his family but for those in the nation who could sensibly see through her embarrassing and destructive political charade. Instead, Ms. Feinstein now claims she would support a new Kavanaugh probe if the Democrats take the Senate in the aftermath of the midterm elections.

The only good thing Ms. Feinstein has really done is reveal her true essence to voters.



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