- The Washington Times - Friday, October 19, 2018

Former President Jimmy Carter jumped into the political fray recently over newly confirmed Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh, saying he was “unfit” to be on the Supreme Court.

While speaking to a class at Emory College Wednesday Mr. Carter said Justice Kavanaugh’s confirmation was a “very serious mistake,” The Emory Wheel reported.

He also criticized the Senate for being “subservient” to President Trump.

Justice Kavanaugh’s nomination proceedings were derailed after allegations of sexual assault were made by California professor Christine Blasey Ford. The FBI was instructed to conduct an investigation into the allegations before the Senate would hold a full vote.

Then-Judge Kavanaugh made a fiery defense during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing and accused Democrats of running an orchestrated smear to undermine his nomination.

The former president said he was less concerned with the allegations, which key senators said were not corroborated, and more about the nominee’s judicial temperament.

“Whether or not he attempted to rape the woman, I thought he was temperamentally unfit to serve on the Supreme Court because of his outburst during the hearing,” Mr. Carter said.

Despite the allegations, Justice Kavanaugh was confirmed to the Supreme Court on Oct. 4.

• Gabriella Muñoz can be reached at gmunoz@washingtontimes.com.

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