- The Washington Times - Monday, October 15, 2018

By now, everybody’s heard about Hillary Clinton’s duck and dodge during an interview on CBS when she denied hubby Bill abused his presidential power by having an affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky, and denied that he should have stepped aside.

But the eye-raiser isn’t leaving the media cycle any time soon.

Shockingly, even Joy Behar, one of the far-left, liberal-minded hosts of “The View,” thinks Hillary’s gone out on a lonely limb to defend her husband with this.

First, the backstory: Clinton, on CBS on Sunday, said her husband most certainly should not have resigned — “absolutely not” were her words — because Lewinsky, after all, was an adult. As if adults can’t be victimized? Anyhow, from there, Clinton sidestepped into safer territory and pointed fingers at President Donald Trump — a quick shift of accountability that brought out the applause from the audience of “The View.”

But co-host Joy Behar said this, as Mediaite noted: “What she just did is exactly what Republicans do, they changed the subject. And that’s why we never get anywhere in the discourse.”

Behar also said Hillary was a “victim of [Bill’s] stupidity” before declaring the former president “guilty” of #MeToo-type infractions.

Well, there’s a first.

Apparently, even some of those on the left have their limits in defending the Clintons. Apparently, even some Democrats can occasionally call out a Clinton for being full of it.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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