By Associated Press - Saturday, October 13, 2018

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Latest on President Donald Trump (all times local):

8:20 p.m.

President Donald Trump’s campaign says he will rally for GOP candidates in several critical Western states late next week.

The campaign says Trump will campaign Thursday in Missoula, Montana; on Friday in Mesa, Arizona, and on Saturday in Elko, Nevada. The swing is part of an aggressive fall campaign push by the 72-year-old president to energize Republicans and encourage them to vote on Nov. 6 to keep Republicans in control of both houses of Congress.

The latest campaign swing was announced Saturday night as Trump was midway through a campaign rally in Richmond, Kentucky - his fourth rally of the week.

Trump plans to open next week by surveying hurricane damage in Florida and Georgia, though the White House has not announced when he will visit affected areas.


8:15 p.m.

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders is stoking contempt for Democrats’ role in Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation during a Republican campaign event in Iowa.

Speaking at a campaign fundraiser for Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds, Sanders says the Democratic Senate minority “was disgraceful” in its handling of sexual impropriety allegations against Kavanaugh, which delayed his confirmation for weeks.

Sanders’ line to hundreds of devout Iowa Republicans at the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines was in keeping with congressional Republican leaders’ effort to paint Democrats as unruly heading into the Nov. 6 midterm elections.

Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley drew a standing ovation by telling the audience to keep as its campaign mantra for the next three weeks, “Remember Kavanaugh.” Grassley is chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.


7:45 p.m.

President Donald Trump led a rousing cheer for Kentucky’s senior senator, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, as he celebrated his administration’s first two years in office during a political rally in Richmond, Kentucky.

McConnell returned the compliment, asking the president to continue nominating judges for the federal bench so the GOP-led Senate can keep confirming them.

Trump brought the state’s other U.S. senator, Rand Paul to the stage, who pointed out how supportive the president has been of one of his health care proposals.

The rally at Eastern Kentucky University gives Trump a forum to promote the campaigns of GOP candidates for Congress. He’s warning that Democrats only want to obstruct and are the party of crime and open borders.


7:30 p.m.

President Donald Trump says America is the hottest country in the world, celebrating what he calls an economy unlike any other in its history.

Speaking at a political rally Saturday night at Eastern Kentucky University, Trump is ticking off his administration’s accomplishments, leading with the low unemployment rate. He’s also assuring Kentuckians that coal has come back.

Trump is in the state to promote the campaigns of GOP candidates for Congress. He’s warning that Democrats only want to obstruct and says their lust for power drove them to be incredibly unfair to his Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh.

Trump also led for a rousing cheer for the state’s senior senator, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.


6:30 p.m.

Kentucky’s governor and senior U.S. senator have greeted President Donald Trump upon his arrival for a political rally Saturday night in Richmond, Kentucky.

Trump shook hands with Gov. Matt Bevin and Sen. Mitch McConnell shortly after Air Force One landed at Lexington’s airport. Also on hand were several state representatives.

Trump is in the state for a rally at Alumni Coliseum on the campus of Eastern Kentucky University.


2:10 p.m.

President Donald Trump says Republican Andy Barr, a Kentucky congressman, is a “fantastic guy” whose vote Trump needs to make America great again.

Trump is heading to Kentucky later Saturday to campaign for Barr, who’s seeking re-election to a fourth term.

Barr is facing a strong challenge from Democrat Amy McGrath, a former Marine fighter pilot.

Trump tweets before the trip to Kentucky that Barr is strong on crime, tax cuts, the military, veterans and the Second Amendment.

Trump adds that McGrath “will NEVER vote for us” and that Barr has “my Strongest Endorsement.”


11:15 a.m.

President Donald Trump is set to spend Saturday night in Kentucky campaigning for the Republican candidate in one of the country’s most closely watched congressional races.

Rep. Andy Barr wants a fourth term representing Kentucky’s 6th Congressional District. Barr is facing a strong challenge from Democrat Amy McGrath, a retired Marine fighter pilot.

Democrats are focusing on the seat in their drive to win back control of the House. Former Vice President Joe Biden campaigned for McGrath on Friday night.

Trump’s planned rally at Eastern Kentucky University in Richmond has sparked opposition at the school. Scores of faculty and staff members said in a letter to the university’s president and board of regents that Trump’s campaign has attacked the values that are central to higher education.

Trump held another rally Friday night in Ohio.


1:15 a.m.

President Donald Trump has finished one political rally and is set to go out on the road for another campaign-style event.

Trump campaigned Friday night for Ohio’s gubernatorial and congressional candidates. But, as he often does at his rallies, he spent much of the hour-plus speech promoting his own record.

Trump drew loud cheers for securing the release of pastor Andrew Brunson from Turkey.

The president has scheduled another rally Saturday night in Kentucky.

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