- Friday, October 12, 2018

’You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about,” announced Hillary Clinton during an interview on CNN. This after the Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh’s Senate confirmation hearings descended into mob action to destroy that man and his family.

Here is a twice-failed presidential candidate, former senator and secretary of state revealing her rejection of the peaceful transfer of power, a hallmark of the American system. One could see this as her confession explaining the Democratic Party’s obscene and contrived effort to politically and socially assassinate a good man for committing the crimes of being a conservative and being nominated by President Donald Trump.

You see, the mob action hasn’t only been on the street. It was witnessed by us in the Senate, when Sen. Dianne Feinstein, California Democrat, first decided to hide the Ford allegation from the committee, deciding to use it as an improvised explosive device against not just then-Judge Kavanaugh but the process itself.

Even more shocking was Mrs. Clinton’s next remark during the interview: “That’s why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and or the Senate, that’s when civility can start again.”

Many women across this country, and around the world, know what this means. Her rhetoric is shockingly similar to an abuser’s — Hillary Clinton is telling us that once we comply, once we give them what they want, they’ll stop hurting us. But as long as we’re bad, they will punish us. Because, you see, they’re only hurting us to make things better. We deserve it, and this is for our own good.

Mrs. Clinton is not one to say something out of turn. It’s not coincidental that just two days after the former secretary of state gave her seal of approval for euphemistic “incivility,” her friend, former Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., reinforced this new narrative.

At a campaign rally in Georgia, Mr. Holder told the crowd, “Michelle [Obama] always says that, you know, ’When they go low, we go high.’ No, no. When they go low, we kick them [to applause]. That’s what this new Democratic Party is about.”

Even The Washington Post seemed taken aback by Mr. Holder’s remarks, reporting, “For the second time this week, a leading Democratic voice is proposing that the party pursue a meaner, more combative approach — with this one going so far as to allude to metaphorical violence.”

Metaphorical? Taking these comments by Democratic Party leadership in context is key. What exactly has been happening just prior to these statements, moreover, for the past one-and-a-half years?

Conservatives and Republicans have been personally harassed and attacked in public. There has been violence, including attempted mass murder of Republican congressmen, the almost fatal injury of Rep. Steve Scalise of Louisiana, and the attempted stabbing of a Republican candidate. Women who work for the administration have been harassed at movie theaters, restaurants and while conducting official business.

During and in the immediate aftermath of the Kavanaugh hearings, Republican senators were chased down hallways, accosted in elevators and harassed at airports. The president, secretary of defense and the Navy chief were sent threatening letters containing the raw ingredient for the poison ricin. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’s campaign office has received a letter containing a powder. A Republican senator’s wife received a video of a beheading sent to her private cellphone number.

A Democratic Party operative, who had worked for Ms. Feinstein, and Democratic Reps. Sheila Jackson Lee and Maggie Hassan, posted online home addresses and personal phone numbers of Republican Judiciary Committee members. Arrested, this man was determined to be such a threat to others that the judge has denied him bond.

Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky is also concerned and noted a frightening possibility on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends.” Daily Wire reported, “… Paul condemned the violent rhetoric of the political Left and the Democratic Party and warned that someone is going to end up getting killed if the inflammatory rhetoric doesn’t stop. ’I was there at the ball field when Steve Scalise almost died from a very, very angry violent man who was incited really by rhetoric on the left,’ Paul said.

” ’And this hasn’t been reported enough, when he [the gunman] came on the field with a semi-automatic weapon firing probably close to 200 shots at us, shooting five people and almost killing Steve Scalise, he was yelling ’this is for healthcare!’ Paul said,” reported Daily Wire. “’So what happens is that when Democrats say ’get up in their face,’ they need to realize that there are a lot of unstable people out there. There are people with anger issues, there are people who are prone to violence.’”

We should take Hillary Clinton and Eric Holder very seriously. This is indeed the “New Democratic Party” as Mr. Holder put it. Rep. Maxine Waters was simply the first one to announce it when she encouraged Democrats to “confront” the president’s supporters. Now Sen. Cory Booker, Eric Holder and Hillary Clinton, among others, have endorsed the politics of harassment and chaos.

Americans want solutions, ideas and progress, not threats. Democrats don’t have any new ideas or policy that address our concerns as Americans, so they’re hoping they can harass and frighten you into voting for them. This is what they think of you, and they will fail. Again.

• Tammy Bruce, president of Independent Women’s Voice, author and Fox News contributor, is a radio talk show host.

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