- The Washington Times - Wednesday, October 10, 2018

FBI Director Christopher Wray said Wednesday that the FBI’s updated background probe into Justice Brett Kavanaugh was indeed “limited in scope,” but said that was consistent with past practice.

“My folks have assured me the usual process was followed,” Mr. Wray told senators.

Democrats remain steamed over the Senate’s vote Saturday to confirm Justice Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, insisting they believe he is guilty of sexual assault and lying to Congress. There is no contemporaneous evidence to corroborate his accuser’s assertions of sexual assault, but Democrats had been counting on the FBI to unearth something.

After a five-day renewed investigation, in which agents spoke to 10 people from two instances, they again found no concrete evidence, according to senators who reviewed the results.

Democrats say that’s because the probe was limited, and didn’t include interviews with Justice Kavanaugh, chief accuser Christine Blasey Ford or dozens of other people Ms. Blasey Ford and Democrats wanted interviewed.

Under questioning Wednesday from Sen. Kamala Harris, California Democrat, Mr. Wray said the directive to conduct the new investigation came from the White House, as is customary, and everything went by the book.

“As is standard, the investigation was very specific in scope, limited in scope, and that is the usual process,” he said.

• Stephen Dinan can be reached at sdinan@washingtontimes.com.

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