- The Washington Times - Wednesday, November 7, 2018

So Democrats flipped the House and won some points. But with the Senate firmly in Republicans’ control, the left is hardly in a position to crow.

What has to happen next is a return to proper politicking — a laying aside of baseball bats and a call for quieter streets. Democrats, this is up to you to do.

Perhaps a better way to look at the election day results is this: Now Democrats are in a position to speak in Congress without having to rely on their thuggish minions of the street.

They have that official voice in politics they’ve so long sought.

Now the House speakership will turn blue, along with the committee chair slots — and Republicans in the legislative branch will have to stomach the idea of taking much of their marching orders from the likely likes of Rep. Nancy Pelosi.

But without the Senate, and without the White House, Democrats really only have bargaining chips. They don’t have total control. They don’t have a voter referendum on their “impeach Trump” calls, their “resist Trump” agenda.

They don’t exactly have the rousing chorus of American voices telling them to get rid of this president, by whatever hooks and crooks at their disposal.

They’ve simply grabbed the House; Republicans, however, expanded power in the Senate while still holding the White House.

That means Democrats, if they want to accomplish anything at all, will have to do something they’ve not been accustomed to doing for some time — they’ll have to work with Republicans. They’ll have to enter the rational debate and discussion zone.

And in order to do that — they’ll have to stop their calls for storm-trooping in the streets against all-things-Republican, all-things-MAGA.

Perhaps more peaceful times might prevail in Congress?

One can hope, anyway. The founders set up a system of checks and balances, where one branch of power would always be held accountable to the other branches.

America voted that on Tuesday. Now it’s up to Democrats — and Republicans, too — to honor the system, honor the voters’ wishes, and soothe the savage talk.

It’s time for healing in America’s political world. Republicans, leading as they do in the White House and in the Senate, have the chance to extend an olive branch to Democrats. And they will; Republicans, despite what the mainstream media tries to sell, generally put country first, personal agenda second.

Democrats, meanwhile, leading as they do now in the House, now have an easy opportunity to take it — to accept that offer of peace. For the good of the country, it’d be nice if they did.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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