- The Washington Times - Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Rush Limbaugh took to the stage in his hometown of Cape Girardeau, Missouri, to introduce President Donald Trump — and in classic blunt and bold fashion, laid out the real case of why Democrats are so violent and angry these days.

“The Democrats haven’t even accepted that they lost the election in 2016,” he said. “That’s what this was all about.”


Democrats, post-Barack Obama, had the course of the country planned. In their minds, first came the hammer of Obama’s anti-America First, anti-rule-and-law, anti-Constitution mindset to break tradition and set the stage for Global First, United States Second — then was supposed to come Clinton to issue the final strikes to sovereignty.

Clinton was supposed to bring in the total collapse of borders, the continuance and expansion of socialized health care, the full implementation of a radicalized progressive agenda for public schools. But she lost. And Trump won. And Make America Great Again became the guiding government compass.

That’s what the left can’t swallow.

Limbaugh put it well, The Daily Caller noted: “Every day, every newspaper, New York Times, Washington Post, anonymous intelligence sources confirming that Trump colluded with Putin. There’s no evidence for it. Zilch, zero, nada. It didn’t happen. It was made up. Hillary Clinton colluded with Russia. Hillary Clinton rigged that election.”

Limbaugh then sent out a shot Joe Biden’s way, mocking the idea of the vice president pulling a decent enough following to win the White House — as it’s whispered he might attempt — in 2020, and said Trump’s rally sizes were the “envy of official Washington.”

A campaigning Biden, on the other hand, “can’t fill a phone booth,” Limbaugh said.

LOL. But it’s true; crowd sizes at Trump’s rallies have been of bragging rights proportion.

Just like in 2016, when Trump shocked the left and won.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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