- The Washington Times - Friday, November 30, 2018

Both Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump are caught up in Robert Muller’s Russia investigation as the special counsel looks into their connection with the Trump Tower Moscow project, Yahoo News reported Friday.

The report explained that Ms. Trump, who now works in her father’s administration, and Mr. Trump Jr. were both involved in the Russia Trump Tower project. One of the unnamed sources told Yahoo that the special counsel is now asking questions about the extent of their involvement. 

According to an unnamed source, both Trump siblings worked on the projects years before President Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen did but stopped in 2013.

However, the same source explained that both knew about Cohen’s 2016 work on Trump Tower Moscow, and Ms. Trump recommended an architect.

In the guilty plea he made with the Mueller team on Thursday, Cohen admitted that he lied to Congress about briefing some of the Trump family members.

“Michael was looking at that deal. Don and Ivanka knew about it, and Don testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee that he was peripherally aware of it,” the source told Yahoo. “That’s why we’re so perplexed Cohen would lie about briefing them, because no one’s ever disputed that they knew he was looking at it.”

Neither Mr. Trump Jr. or Ms. Trump gave Yahoo News a comment for the story.

• Gabriella Muñoz can be reached at gmunoz@washingtontimes.com.

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