- The Washington Times - Thursday, November 29, 2018

CNN’s Chris Cuomo offered up a somewhat off-the-rails rationale for why America ought to open borders wide for the migrants trying to enter the country — and suggested it was a Christian’s Christmas duty.

Sorry, Cuomo.

Christmas isn’t about open borders.

Neither is Christianity, for that matter.

But here’s what Cuomo said, in his recent “Closing Argument” segment: “[It’s] no small irony that Christians are getting ready to celebrate the story of Christmas, which is the exact story that we are trying to block out here [with this caravan issue]. The poor and unwanted who wound up bringing the savior into this world in a stable, rejected. Just as we’re doing now. This is who we are now and it must be exposed.”

So the migrants making their way to America, demanding an entry they’ve not legally earned, are practically one and the same with Jesus Christ — with the birth of the savior to the world? 

It’d sure be nice if those who knew least about Christianity would quit trying to tell Christians about Christianity.

It’d sure be great if those who have no clue about the true meaning of Christmas quit trying to define its meanings to those who do have a clue.

Christmas is about the birth of Jesus, the savior sent by God to ultimately die for humanity’s sins.

Reclassifying it as some sort of social justice day of remembrance for the poor and needy is a lie. Trying to draw comparisons between the plight of of Mary, who couldn’t find room at an inn and was therefore, with husband Joseph at her side, forced to give birth on a bed of straw, in a manger — as ordained by God — and with the pursuits of migrants to find a home, by legal means or otherwise, in America, is a bit whacked. 

One is a story of hope and love and, oh yes, the birth of our savior. The other? A human struggle for economic opportunity.

Yes, the spirit of Christmas is about giving; so, too, the spirit of Christianity.

But equating giving with open borders is a bit much. Drawing a parallel between the birth of Christ and the storming of migrants into our country is a bit much. 

Jesus is Jesus; Christmas celebrates Jesus. And neither Christmas nor Jesus are ever to be confused or conflated with migrants trying their dang-dest to make their ways, legal, illegal, what have you, into America.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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