- The Washington Times - Friday, November 23, 2018

It’s no secret the left-leaning members of media hate President Donald Trump. But come on now, this is ridiculous.

“Donald Trump Says He’s Most Thankful For Himself on Thanksgiving,” Newsweek blared in a headline.

He actually said his family. And then he added a bit about how he’s been able — as promised during his campaign — to Make America Great Again. 

“Donald Trump said he was most thankful for himself on Thanksgiving as he spent the holiday weekend at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida,” Newsweek opened.

The Guardian, meanwhile, wrote this: “Asked what he was thankful for this year, Trump cited his ’great family’ … as well as himself.”

You decide. 

At the tail end of a call to military to wish them a happy Thanksgiving, and after fielding questions from present press members about his insistence to protect America’s borders from storming-Norman caravan crossers, a journalist asked Trump what he was most thankful for this holiday season.

“For having a great family and for having made a tremendous difference in this country,” he said. “I’ve made a tremendous difference in the country. This country is so much stronger now than when I took office that you wouldn’t believe it.”

Well — isn’t it?

Not only is the economy chugging along. Not only is the job prospect for unemployed hitting historic highs. Not only is consumer confidence on a marked upswing. Not only is the progressive policies of the previous president being steadily struck and tossed. Not only is America being taken seriously on the global stage once again. Not only are businesses booming under their reeled-in top tax rate — translating into steady financial improvements for employees. Not only is the regulatory climate at a near-standstill.

But also the thousands of would-be migrants that are trying at this very moment to jump America’s borders are being put on notice and told: Stand down.

The U.S. military has been called to the scene.

“If we find that [the situation] gets to a level where we lose control or people are going to start getting hurt,” Trump said, “we’re going to close entry into the country for a period of time until we get it under control.”

The previous Obama administration would’ve stepped back and let the crossers cross.

Trump is quite right that the country has improved dramatically under his administration. It’s not just statistically better; there’s a hope in the air — a hope from a segment of society that was completely shut and ignored for years and years.

A hope that comes from a return to capitalism, individual rights and smaller government controls.

Trump is quite right in recognizing that his leadership has steered this country back in the more constitutional direction to which we rightly belong. And a media that attempts to shame him into stifling his influence over this national resurgence is a media that only shows, once again, its utter out-of-touch-ness with the American people.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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