- The Washington Times - Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Once again, Hollywood’s leftists have inserted themselves into the political world, this time jumping aboard a call to boycott Georgia in defense of Stacey Abrams, the Democrat who lost the gubernatorial race to Republican Brian Kemp.

They better hope Americans don’t turn the tables on this one and call for boycotts at the movies, right?

It’s not that famous actors and actresses don’t have the right to speak their political minds, if they so choose. It’s just that nine times out of 10, when actors and actresses speak their political minds, the rest of us go — please don’t.

Please just stay on the big screen and read the script.

First from Abrams, this tweet: “I appreciate the calls to action, but I ask all of our entertainment industry friends to support #FairFightGA — but please do not #boycottgeorgia. The hard-working Georgians who serve on crews & make a living here are not to blame. I promise. We will fight — and we will win.”

Then came the expected response — the scores of Hollywood types rushing to her defense, running to boycott.

“With all due respect,” tweeted actor Ron Perlman, The Hill noted, “you DID fight! And you DID win. Your great and inspiring run was snuffed out by cheating, and suppression, both things that run counter to the American way. I cannot see myself working in a state that tolerates that.”

Actress Alyssa Milano weighed in with this: “There are over 20 productions shooting in Georgia. Is the entertainment industry willing to support the economy of a totally corrupt state that suppresses democracy; where the winner isn’t the best choice for the people but the best schemer or crook?”

And this from actor, producer and director Steven Pasquale: “Billions of Hollywood dollars spent and created i GA. We can do something about this. #boycottgeorgia.”

There are more. But you get the idea.

Thing is: Boycotts aren’t confined to one group, one party, one ideology. Can you say “First Man,” the movie that angered many in America by purposely omitting the iconic flag-planting moment of the U.S. banner on the moon — in order to, as star Ryan Gosling explained, underscore the moment’s global, rather than national, significance?

“Box Office,” reported Forbes in October of 2018, “Ryan Gosling’s ’First Man’ Disappoints With $16.5M Weekend.”

Defenders of “First Man” insist the lackluster showing had nothing to do with the flag flap. But then again, “Boycott First Man” was an actual Change.org petition.

Hollywood has to keep in mind before it enters the partisan, hotly contested world of politics, Americans do more than vote at the ballot boxes. They also “vote” with their money. They can easily counter #BoycottGeorgia withe #BoycottHollywood.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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