- The Washington Times - Monday, November 12, 2018

Jerome Corsi, the former chief writer of WorldNetDaily, said Monday he expects special counsel Robert Mueller will indict him in the next couple of days for giving false information to investigators probing Russian interference in the 2016 election.

“I’m going to be criminally charged,” Mr. Corsi said during his YouTube livestream. “As of today, right now, I expect to be indicted.”

Mr. Corsi did not provide more details, beyond saying that he was subpoenaed by the FBI in late August. He said he handed over two computers and gave Mueller prosecutors access to his cellphone, email and Twitter accounts.

A spokesman for the special counsel’s office declined to comment.

Negotiations were ongoing between Mr. Corsi’s legal team and federal prosecutors for the past two months, but those talks recently broke down he said.

“I still feel like I have nothing to hide, but you can’t talk to them for two months without some confusion,” he said on the livestream.

Mr. Corsi accused investigators of setting up a “perjury trap” by blocking from seeing the documents and statements they referenced during his interview. He said his “mind was mush” after speaking with investigators for so long.

During the livestream, Mr. Corsi said his only crime was “that I support Donald Trump.”

“Now I’m going to have to go to prison for the rest of my life because I dared to oppose the deep state,” he said, claiming the Justice Department was run by “criminals.”

NBC News reported last month that the Mueller team is investigating whether Mr. Corsi may have known in advance that emails from Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign were hacked and turned over to WikiLeaks. The report said investigators have spent weeks interviewing many Corsi associates inquiring what they knew about his contacts with WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange.

WikiLeaks published thousands of hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign. Federal prosecutors are probing whether Mr. Corsi knew WikiLeaks had passed the hacked emails to Roger Stone, a longtime Republican political operative and lobbyist.

Mr. Corsi said during his livestream, he did not meet with Mr. Assange whom he called “a journalist.”

When asked by Mueller prosecutors about how he appeared to know before anyone else that WikiLeaks had leaked Clinton campaign chair John Podesta’s emails, Mr. Corsi told them he “simply figured it out on his own,” according to the NBC News report.

Mr. Stone has drawn scrutiny from Mueller’s team. Since February, the special counsel has spoken to at least 10 people questioning them about Mr. Stone’s finances, political contacts and relationship with Mr. Assange. Mr. Stone has adamantly denied playing a role in the release of the Clinton emails, insisting that anything he passed on was already in the public domain.

On his livestream, Mr. Corsi asked for help paying his legal expenses through PayPal. Mr. Corsi said at his age of 72, he could die in prison.

An author and political commentator, some consider Mr. Corsi the founder of the so-called Birther movement, which falsely claimed President Obama was not born in the United States. In 2017, he became the Washington, D.C., bureau chief for Infowars, a site run by controversial talk radio host Alex Jones.

• Jeff Mordock can be reached at jmordock@washingtontimes.com.

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