- The Washington Times - Wednesday, May 30, 2018

George Soros, the billionaire of progressive-slash-socialist and globalist causes the world over, has been busy buying his way into local district attorney campaigns in the United States.

Talk about trying to turn the judicial system into an activist camp for the left.

It’s one thing to exercise one’s First Amendment rights to support candidates with similar political leanings. It’s another thing entirely to try and collapse a limited government republic, from the bottom up, and implement, in its place, a judicial branch filled with people who twist the Bill of Rights into something it’s not, the Constitution into something it was never intended to be, and the rule of law into a mocking tool for far-left gain.

“There’s definitely a change at work,” said Robert Weisberg, co-director of the Stanford Criminal Justice Center, in The Mercury News.

He was referring to the big money that Soros, via his funding of progressive-minded California Justice & Publicly Safety PAC, is tossing into several local D.A. races. In Contra Costa, a Soros-tied PAC has kicked in $100,000-plus to support the leftist candidate; in Alameda County, more than $550,000 of Soros-tied money has gone to a hard-core civil rights attorney fighting for the comparatively conservative District Attorney Nancy O’Malley’s seat. Another $400,000 or so of Soros money’s gone toward the Sacramento County district attorney race.

So what? What’s the big deal about these local seats?

It’s on the local level that much of the left’s political wills are worked and won.

It’s not all about the U.S. Supreme Court appointees, in other words.

As The Mercury News reported: “One recent police mailer paid for by the Soros-backed political action committee attacked O’Malley for not investigating Oakland police involved in the Hernan Jaramillo case” — which feeds right into the Black Lives Matter narrative of widespread racism among police and the entire law enforcement community, of course.

With Soros-type candidates at the district attorney helm, it won’t be long before the crime of being conservative becomes a prosecutorial offense. 

“Soros is definitely trying to push a political view,” said one conservative, speaking to The Mercury News.

Indeed, he is. And it’s one that holds potential to change the shape of local politics, local law and order, local regulatory atmospheres — from how police conduct business to how homeowners obey and abide environmental rules and policies — for years to come.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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