- The Washington Times - Monday, May 14, 2018

Israel is in the midst of massive celebrations, wafting on happy clouds as America’s embassy to the Jewish state is making its formal move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

But the devils are gathering at the door — the violence and protests and threats and killings have already begun.

For Bible, readers, it’s almost beginning to look a bit like the assembling of the nations out there — an end-of-times moment, if there ever was one. And note to non-Bible readers: The aggressors don’t win.

Hamas, working off a threat made in February that President Donald Trump’s announced move of the embassy to Jerusalem was tantamount to a declaration of war, has vowed a massive protest — one so large that Israeli’s military is warning could reach 100,000 strong and lead to an outright massacre of Jews.

Palestine PLO-NAD, the official Twitter account of the Palestine Liberation Organization-Negotiations Affairs Department, tweeted: “Dr. Nabil Shaath, Senior Presidential Advisor for Foreign Affairs and International Relations: We consider America’s moving of its embassy means the end of American control of the peace process.”

And Haaretz breaking news ran with this headline: “Jerusalem Embassy and Gaza Protests: Two Dead, 22 Palestinians Reported Wounded by Israeli Gunfire at Border Fence.”

The story was peppered with such dire-sounding sentences as “Thousands march toward Gaza border” and “Hezbollah: Jerusalem embassy move ’worthless’ ” and “Palestinians in West Bank, Jerusalem urged to ’clash with the occupation,’ ” the Muslim world’s term of endearment for Israelis.

But amid all this — the opening ceremonies commence.

And at the heart, standing strong, are Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, two men who will surely go down in history for their friendly foreign affairs relationship that’s led to this momentous and monumental embassy-moving event.

Netanyahu said on Sunday that Trump’s decision to relocate the embassy to Jerusalem was the “right thing to do” and he called on other countries to follow suit.

“Move your embassies to Jerusalem because it advances peace, and that’s because you can’t base peace on a foundation of lies,” he said, during a weekend statement put out on Twitter.

And Paraguay and Guatemala are indeed doing just that — boldly announcing their own intents to move their embassies to Jerusalem, too.

“Now, you know how to recognize real leadership? It’s when others follow,” Netanyahu said, ABC reported, “and others are following in President Trump’s footsteps.”

The lines of pro-Israel and anti-Israel are indeed growing more defined.

Leaders of the world are now faced with the in-your-face question: Where will your embassy stand?

Yes indeed, the nations of the world are assembling — are being put in a position to decide where to assemble — and on that note, here’s a snippet of wisdom: Choose wisely.

“On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her,” Zechariah 12:3 reads, “I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves.”

Just sayin.’

It’s a good thing Trump and Netanyahu, at the eye of this brewing storm, get along so well.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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