- The Washington Times - Friday, May 11, 2018

President Donald Trump went to a city once closely courted by Barack Obama — Elkhart, Indiana — and killed it.

Nailed it.

Drove the hammer home.

“America,” he said to a cheering crowd, “is respected again.”

Yes indeed. He said this around the same time three U.S. citizens of South Korean descent were touching down on American soil after arduous, brutal months spent in North Korean prisons.

Three American citizens who were freed by Kim Jong-un at the pressing of this White House administration.

Nothing says respect like an enemy nation letting some American hostages go. Just ask Jimmy Carter, whose long-running Iran hostage situation only came to a close when Ronald Reagan was sworn in as president. There’s a classic case of no-respect administration versus total-respect administration.

Now, we have a more recent illustration.

Obama releases Guantanamo Bay terrorists — but Trump gets Americans released from a despotic nation.

That’s a big difference.

And it’s a big difference that has translated into America assuming its Number One spot on the world stage once again.

“America is respected again,” said Trump.

Exactly right. The United States of America is back and back with a bang. Now even the anti-Trumpers of the country have to acknowledge that, and hat tip where hat tip’s due.

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