- The Washington Times - Thursday, March 8, 2018

McDonald’s, apparently hoping to show women how much they care, has flipped its signature golden arches on all its digital channels from “M” to “W” in some sort of executive level hat tip to International Women’s Day.

That’s right — the “M” has now become a “W.” That’s “W” for women, not weird, or What The Freak, in case you’re wondering. Guess it’s better than handing out pink hats with female genitalia atop, a la Women’s March style.

Mickie-D’s has also flipped its “M” on some of its packaging, and on at least one restaurant stop in the United States located — but of course — in liberal-leaning California.

The “M-to-W” move is “in honor of the extraordinary accomplishments of women everywhere and especially in our restaurants,” McDonald’s Chief Diversity Officer Wendy Lewis said in a statement.

(McDonald’s has a chief diversity officer?)

She went on: “From restaurant crew and management to our C-suite of senior leadership, women play invaluable roles at all levels and together with our independent franchise owners. We’re committed to their success.”

Well and good. But how about a pay raise?

After all, nothing shows appreciation like a big ol’ fat check.

Still, expect the catering to women to continue all month, with businesses rushing to outdo each other to show how much they really love women — and not in the Harvey Weinstein way, but rather, respectfully. March not only contains International Women’s Day, but also is the whole block of time politically correct pols and educators have set aside to recognize Women’s History Month.

Maybe Nancy Pelosi will get all the women in Congress to wear a special suit or something. 

“Everyone is doing it, so they want to jump on board,” said Denise Sutton, an assistant professor of marketing at the New York City College of Technology, in USA Today. “At the same time, when I see something like that, it’s nice for International Women’s Day. But what is McDonald’s doing the other days of the year?”

Excellent point. One might respond: Employing them. 

Shh. That’s not what the progressives want to hear. And while we’re walking that road, here’s another very excellent point that will likely tick off the progressive-minded types who came up with this brainchild “W” movement: Who gives a fill-in-the-blank?

Nobody goes to McDonald’s for political reasons. If they did, Burger King would be rushing to change to Burger Queen.

Cheryl Cheryl can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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