- The Washington Times - Thursday, March 8, 2018

Former Obama Administration press secretary Jay Carney strongly criticized the Trump Administration and, specifically, Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders in an interview with his former White House colleague David Axelrod. 

“It’s not a job I recognize. I couldn’t imagine what that’s like. Because I couldn’t imagine myself being in that position.”


Carney also told Axelrod that President Barack Obama “never” asked him to say anything on behalf of the White House that was not true. 

“I remember people asking me, ‘What did you do when the president asked you to say something that wasn’t true?’ I said it never happened. It’s inconceivable to me that it ever would have happened.”


Carney was White House spokesman in the aftermath of the terror attacks in Benghazi which the Obama Administration initially called a spontaneous demonstration over a YouTube video that was considered insulting to Islam. 

As the obvious truth of the planned, orchestrated terror attack came to light, Carney continued to hold to the original talking points of the Administration. Only after Obama’s own Defense Department verified the true nature of the attack did Carney change the official story from the lectern in the White House briefing room. But this was well after Obama had been reelected in 2012 just weeks after the Benghazi attacks. 

In 2014, after emails confirmed Obama’s inner circle knew full well that the attack was not at all the spontaneous riot Carney had described for weeks on the President’s behalf, CNN’s Jake Tapper described Carney’s responses on Benghazi as “dissembling, obfuscating and often insulting.”

One can only conclude that if it is true that Obama never asked Carney to lie for him Carney must have just decided to do so on his own. Which is worse?

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