- The Washington Times - Thursday, March 8, 2018

The full court press is on over at CBS to try and convince Oprah Winfrey to run for president in 2020. 

Winfrey recently told People Magazine that it would take a message from the Almighty to get her to run.  “’God, if you think I’m supposed to run, you gotta tell me, and it has to be so clear that not even I can miss it.’ And I haven’t gotten that yet,” she said. 

So it appears CBS is determined to inspire some sort of divine intervention to get Oprah to to throw in her hat. 

Earlier this week Oprah appeared on CBS’ Late Show with Stephen Colbert and an animated “God” showed up, complete with Oprah for President swag:

“Oh, hey God! It’s God, everybody, give it up for the Lord,” Mr. Colbert said as an animated version of God appeared on the Ed Sullivan Theater’s ceiling. “I’m sorry about this Oprah, I apologize. I apologize, God stops by every once in a while — he’s a fan. Can I help you Lord? I’m kind of in the middle of talking to somebody important.”

“I hear thou seekest a sign,” the cartoon said while interrupting promotion for “A Wrinkle In Time,” Ms. Winfrey’s new movie. “Well, is this clear enough?”

The cartoon pointed to a sign that said “Run!” shortly before donning “Oprah 2020” campaign gear.

Of course, that’s all in good fun. Colbert is just a late night comedian… except, when he isn’t: 

And the pressure from CBS continued Tuesday morning when CBS This Morning co-host Gayle King practically begged her pal Oprah to run. 

“No one should be convinced to run for the presidency, but I also think you have a very unique ability in terms of healing and connecting all people,” the impartial journalist pleaded. 

King then laughably claimed that if her BFF did decide to run, she’d be able to maintain her position with CBS News without any possible conflict. “I could be very impartial. I could be very impartial,” she claimed, trying to convince herself and her viewers. 

So not only is the Tiffany Network apparently just fine with Colbert taking sides in the 2020 presidential election (not to mention the 2020 Democratic Party primaries) they’re also happy to have one of their morning show news anchors toss out any pretense of impartiality as well. 

But here’s the really strange thing about this pressure from CBS to get Oprah to run: Winfrey is actually their employee. She is, in fact, a journalist for CBS News.

So, apparently, CBS News is completely comfortable dispensing with even the faintest hint of journalistic integrity for their high-priced, 60 Minutes Special Correspondent.

It’s a strange way to stake out a place in the media universe while trying to claim you’re one of the last bastions of legitimate journalism in the age of “Fake News,” but that’s OK. At least viewers are clear on where CBS stands in their political bias… As if there was a doubt.  

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