- The Washington Times - Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Sam Nunberg told the Daily Caller in an exclusive that he’s sorry for verbally unleashing on White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and calling her, among other vile names, a “fat slob.”

His excuse? He was having a “rough day,” he said.

Well, with all due respect and all, but that’s not really a “rough day.” That’s an inner beast leaking forth.

A mea culpa’s good. But what’s really needed is therapy — and lots.

“It was wrong of me to attack Sarah,” Nunberg said to the Daily Caller, which had reported the “rude comments” Nunberg made during an interview with NY1. “Sarah’s very talented. It was a rude comment. I understand she was just doing her job and I think she does a very good job under rough circumstances … I owe her an apology. I was having a rough day.”

Nunberg’s rough day included his taking to as many national media outlets his schedule would permit, and blasting Sanders at various points as “unattractive” and a “fat slob,” and outright calling on her to “shut her mouth.”

He made those uncalled-for comments while explaining why he wouldn’t comply with Robert Mueller’s special counsel subpoena to talk and turn over emails he exchanged with various former President Donald Trump campaign folk, and while — wildly, as Sanders would later characterize it — suggesting that Trump “may” have done something criminal or illegal during his run for office. At one point during these media explanations, he was even asked by one CNN host if he had been drinking.

Yes, that’s how rough a day it got.

But what a difference a good night’s sleep makes.

Nunberg is now apparently complying with Mueller and busily sifting through his emails to provide them for investigative scrutiny. This, while he apologizes to Sanders, the least of what he owes.

But justifying the name-calling as a “rough day” just doesn’t cut it.

Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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