- The Washington Times - Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Pro-life groups on Wednesday celebrated Democratic Rep. Dan Lipinski’s razor-thin victory in the Illinois primary over a challenger who captured the support of the Bernard Sanders wing of the party and had the backing of national pro-choice groups.

With 97 percent of the vote counted, Mr. Lapinski had captured 50.9 percent of the vote, and Marie Newman had 49.1 percent in the 3rd Congressional District primary race.

Mr. Lipinski, a centrist, is among the last remaining pro-life Democrats on Capitol Hill and was cast by his rival and her allies as too conservative for the Chicago area district.

“We are thrilled with Congressman Lipinski’s victory over Marie Newman and the abortion industry which is increasingly pushing the Democratic Party left on abortion,” said Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List, which mobilized voters on behalf of Mr. Lipinski. “This is a win not only for Rep. Lipinski and the pro-life movement, but for the majority of Americans who support common ground pro-life policies like limiting abortion after five months.”

The primary battle exposed lingering divisions within the party as Mrs. Newman collected endorsements from Mr. Sanders, Moveon.org and Democracy for America, as well as Planned Planned Parenthood Action, NARAL-Pro Choice America and EMILY’s List, which accused Mr. Lipinski of putting “women’s reproductive health care in jeopardy.”

Mrs. Newman also received endorsements from a couple of Mr. Lipinski’s Democratic colleagues from Illinois — Reps. Jan Schakowsky and Luis Gutierrez.

Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America, said that “Life shouldn’t be a bipartisan choice, and Illinois voters understood that.”

“Representative Lipinski’s victory shows that moneyed interest and the abortion establishment can’t stop a well-liked, pro-life Democrat who stuck to his beliefs,” Ms. Hawkins said. “His victory should send a message to other pro-life Democrats that you do not have to give in to the current Democratic Party line on abortion in order to get elected.”

• Seth McLaughlin can be reached at smclaughlin@washingtontimes.com.

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