- The Washington Times - Monday, March 19, 2018

The left always likes to boast how much it loves the women — loves the Women’s Rights, the equal rights, the gender equality and such — while simultaneously condemning the right as a bunch of flaming misogynists.

Yet time after time, in example after example and case after case, it’s those on the left who offer up the least flattering characterization of women.

Jim Carrey’s the latest.

The Hollywood star just released a painting of White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders — without even having the courage to identify his portrait as of Sarah Huckabee Sanders — that depicts her as a “monstrous” woman.

In a tweet of his artwork, he wrote: “This is the portrait of a so-called Christian whose only purpose in life is to lie for the wicked. Monstrous!”

This isn’t the first time Huckabee Sanders has been slammed from the so-called women-loving, feminist-respecting women of the left.

Comedian Chelsea Handler tweeted a video a short time back promoting her new Netflix show by mocking the press secretary’s physical appearance. The video is a spoof of Huckabee Sanders giving make-up advice, and includes a joke that President Donald Trump wished someone would turn her into a woman. This, from the same lady who led up the Women’s March in Utah, bragging about her whole pro-woman persona.

A couple months before that, Steve Krieg, running as a Democrat against Republican Elise Stefanik for her New York seat, snarked this about her, as Forbes noted: “But Elise, I recognize her, I’m not going to say as a little girl, I recognize her as a child. And it has nothing to do with her age. I see her as a child because she’s a child. She thinks like a child.”

Meanwhile, both Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama — women who’ve been attacked themselves — have condemned women of the right for voting Republican as bubble-headed non-thinking types who rely on the men in their lives to tell them who to support at the ballot box.

And just ask Ann Coulter, firebrand columnist of the right, how many times she’s been bullied by the left — called out as being a drag queen, for example — simply because she has the nerve to tout conservative views, or White House aide Kellyanne Conway, for that matter.

Their crime?

Being conservative.

It’s a misogyny that’s based on political leanings, pure and simple.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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