- The Washington Times - Friday, March 16, 2018

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough unleashed a scathing commentary against President Donald Trump in a Washington Post opinion piece, calling out the Republican as pretty much a political aberration, “doomed to fail.”

You know, if only Joe, who once loudly proclaimed GOP affiliation and served for eight years in Congress as a Republican, could fight so hard against the Democrats. Maybe this country could actually move forward on agendas the people want. Maybe the media, too, could recall its rather lengthy history of failed predictions and prognostications in the political world. Can you say President Hillary Clinton?

No, we can’t, either.

Anyhow, Scarborough, who’s been a long-time hater of all-things-Trump, didn’t disappoint or deviate in his most recent rant.

“If the past decade has taught us anything,” he wrote, The Hill reported, “it is that voters quickly correct the country’s direction when events demand change. Just as voters checked George W. Bush’s power by putting Democrats in charge of Congress, Obama spent his last six years in the White House vexed by Republican majorities in both chambers.”

Except Obama, of course, wasn’t exactly “vexed.” Rather, Obama took the runaway White House route and ramrodded through questionably legal policies through his executive offices — DACA, transgender rights in schools, Richard Cordray and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and so forth and so on.

But the larger matter to Scarborough, apparently, is Trump’s Twitter account.

In January, Scarborough said this: “Republicans think right now that they can just skate and Donald Trump can tweet misogynist things about Democratic senators and he can tweet racist things. He can go to Charlottesville and find something nice to say about neo-Nazis.”

That’s a gross mischaracterization of the president’s messaging, not to mention the context of his messaging — but then again, this is the Mainstream Media we’re talking about, where facts are as malleable as marshmallows.

“American Has Survived Bigger Challenges Than the Smallness of Donald Trump,” Scarborough wrote in a tweet, promoting his piece. “Why His Presidency is Doomed.”

Just remember: It was this same media that predicted Trump would never become the GOP nominee — this same media that forecast Trump would never beat Hillary Clinton — and once again, this same media that asserted Trump would never survive his first year in office.

Scarborough’s certainly entitled to his opinion. But let the facts speak for themselves.

Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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