- The Washington Times - Monday, March 12, 2018

Rep. Maxine Waters, who spent the better part of the inauguration season calling for the impeachment of President Donald Trump — before he even took over the White House seat, mind you — and the better part of Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation calling for the same, has found a new “let’s get ’im, guys” cause to crow, and it’s named Stormy Daniels.

Honestly, Waters is like a parrot with a vocabulary of one word.

“This business about Stormy is not going to go away,” she said, during an interview with MSNBC. “If for some reason Mueller does not get him, Stormy will. So we know that this is going to go on.”

Is there even one tiny bone in this congresswoman’s body that suggests truth might be a noble goal here — rather than, as she vows and gloats, to “get him?”

Republicans during Barack Obama’s time in office may have been disgusted by that administration’s socialist interpretation of the Constitution, and the overreaching of the executive that went forth with fair regularity during those eight years. But never did we hear a member of the GOP talk so viciously and openly about getting the guy — about taking him down and dragging him through the streets.

Waters, ever the opportunist, has crossed the line from lawmaker to hate-filled activist.

“It seems,” she went on, during her interview on MSNBC, as noted by The Hill, “that [Trump’s] identifying and picking up more and more women that he’s attacking. This is not only typical of him, this is what this con man does. He diverts attention from himself by attacking others. … I’m not gonna run from it. … I’ve got plenty for him. As a matter of fact, everybody knows he’s a con man. He’s been a con man all of his life.”

She made that particular remark while waxing outrage over Trump’s rally reference to her as a “low I.Q. individual,” always calling for impeachment, always parroting the same line.

But who can blame Trump?

After all, he was only pointing out what Waters does. And the fact that Waters has responded by doing more of the same only digs herself deeper into the “low I.Q.” hole.

Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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