- Sunday, June 3, 2018

“’In the beginning was Diversity. And Diversity was with God, and Diversity was God. Without Diversity was nothing made that was made. And it came to pass that nasty old orthodox people narrowed down Diversity and finally squeezed it out, dismissing it as heresy. But in the fullness of time (which is, of course, our time), Diversity rose up and smote orthodoxy hip and thigh. Now, praise be, the only heresy is orthodoxy!’ As widely and unthinkingly accepted as this reconstruction is, it is historical nonsense: The emperor has no clothes.”

— D.A. Carson

Nonsense indeed. And nakedness as well. Just turn on the nightly news and you’ll see the pathetic parade.

Joy Behar suggests Orthodox Christians are mentally ill.

Samantha Bee says President Trump’s daughter is a “feckless c—-.”

Jimmy Kimmel mocks Karl Malone in black face.

Whoopi Goldberg encourages the torture of Donald Trump.

Monique Judge calls Ben Carson a “porch monkey.”

Roseanne Barr tweets that Valerie Jarrett is the offspring of apes.

Keith Olbermann is hateful and vile by almost anyone’s standards but his own.

All done under the banner of inclusion. All said while marching to the drumbeat of “Love trumps hate.” All while boldly waving the flag of “Diversity.”

Yes, you see our emperor strutting the streets. You stare as he gavottes with confidence across our societal stage “smiting orthodoxy hip and thigh.” Watch as our cultural king and his concubines dismiss their detractors — those “nasty old orthodox people” — as heretics and enemies; enemies of “acceptable thinking,” enemies of society, enemies of sex, enemies of the state: heretics because they believe in heresy, anti-sex because they believe in the morality of sex, purveyors of nonsense because they believe in common sense.

Delusion reigns in the mind of Lord Diversity and his minions. He demands tolerance while declaring he will not tolerate the intolerant. He requires openness of mind but closes his mind to all who disagree. His Majesty Diversity, after all, says it is true that nothing is true. He knows nothing can be known, he is sure that nothing is sure, and he is absolutely confident that no one can have confidence in absolutes.

Our great King Diversity champions freedom for all except for all who refuse to subjugate themselves to him — to his ideas and to his power. He hates hate and he especially hates those whom he finds hateful. Diversity believes there is no God because he believes he is god. In his moral obesity, he lumbers as if he is fit. His vision is clouded and he condemns those who can see. He is thirsty but refuses water. He is shameless while shaming those who still feel shame. “Evil is good, and good is evil; darkness is light, and light is darkness; bitter is sweet, and sweet is bitter! The truth is exchanged for a lie.” Indeed the “only heresy” for our Sovereign Diversity is “orthodoxy.” Division be praised and unity be damned.

All hail Diversity, our naked king! Let us gaze upon him in all of his nonsensical nudity! Watch him and watch his parade. See his entourage of postmodern pedagogues and prelates — talking heads and talk-show hosts — fawn at his heels and heed his every decree. Observe as his contingent of academic elites and political puppets praise his moral and intellectual bareness as if he were wearing the finest suit crafted out of the priceless threads of “me” and “mine.” Watch the lemmings follow after each other with no thought of the cliff that lies ahead. Watch the children of Hamelin join in obedient single file after the Pied Piper. Stand and look as Hitler’s Jews unknowingly board trains bound for Auschwitz.

Intellectual drivel and moral nakedness? Indeed. D.A. Carson is spot-on: “As widely and unthinkingly accepted as this [thoughtless worship of Diversity] is, it is nonsense: The emperor has no clothes!” And some of us better start saying so before our entire nation mindlessly marches off in this parody of a parade straight to the precipice of our own demise.

We are the “United” States and not the “divided” states for a reason. Our motto is “E Pluribus Unum” and not, E Unum Pluribus for a reason. We are integrationists and not segregationists for a reason. It is called a “uni-versity” and not a “di-versity” for a reason.

Martin Luther King Jr. talked of content of character rather than color of skin for a reason. St. Paul told us that we are neither Jew nor Greek, male nor female but we are, rather, “one in Christ” for a reason. Jesus told us to be selfless rather than self-centered for a reason. When diversity becomes our highest good, rather than unity, we become a divided and Balkanized people who speak of only tolerance and know nothing of love. United we stand. Divided we fall.

“The folly of fools is deception . There is a way that seems right unto man, but the end, thereof, leads unto death.” (Solomon)

Everett Piper, president of Oklahoma Wesleyan University, is the author of “Not A Day Care: The Devastating Consequences of Abandoning Truth” (Regnery 2017).

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