- The Washington Times - Thursday, June 28, 2018

Radio talk show host and former Reagan Justice Department official Mark Levin had a lot to say about the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy and President Trump’s judicial track record now that Justice Neil Gorsuch’s first full year on the Supreme Court is complete. 

Appearing on my radio show on WMAL in Washington DC Wednesday, Levin commended Kennedy for stepping down when and how he did. “I want to commend Justice Kennedy for deciding to step down now,” Levin said. “Not waiting until it became a time when it was impossible for Donald Trump to nominate his replacement. So in that regard, it was very patriotic of him to do that.” 

We then discussed the recent 5-4 decisions that Kennedy participated in that touched on important, conservative issues like religious freedom, abortion and immigration: 

O’Connor: It’s distressing that it’s close. There are some things that used to be non-partisan but this Supreme Court has become just like a legislative body, hasn’t it Mark?

 Levin: Well it is and I wrote a whole book on this called “Men in Black” and I think that was my first book. And I wrote about how the court, in so many ways, has become an oligarch, if you will  - the members, and how they are flesh and blood and how some have been great, some have been awful, some have been ok, and some have been unethical and some have been racist and on and on and on. And so, it’s very important that we fight like hell to make sure Anthony Kennedy is replaced with an originalist because so many of these decisions and I don’t like the fact that so many of these decisions are decided by the Supreme Court but they just are right now. And until we change under Article V in Convention of the States until we address that this is the way it is and we should be prepared to go all the way on this. 

Levin then gave a full-throated endorsement of Sen. Mike Lee to fill Kennedy’s seat. “I’d like to see Mike Lee on the Supreme Court. I think he would be absolutely unbelievable. “

Finally, in light of Trump’s judicial appointments for the high court and other federal benches, Levin had something to say to the president’s detractors from the right: 

All these never-Trumpers out there, these former Bush administration officials or pseudo-Conservatives who have been trashing this President left and right .. I don’t mean just disagreeing with him here and there but wishing him failure, trying to sabotage him, joining in with the left SHAME ON THEM, SHAME ON THEM. He is correcting the courts, he’s correcting what Obama did, he’s trying to make sure this republic stands as it was intended to and he’s been outstanding when it comes to the judiciary. Can you imagine if Hillary Clinton had been President of the United States what would be going on right now? 

Listen to the entire interview right here:  


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