- The Washington Times - Thursday, June 28, 2018

Attorney General Jeff Sessions called out critics of President Donald Trump’s “zero tolerance” border policy on illegals as hypocrites, saying many of these same people who want to open America’s doors wide to anyone and everyone are also going home, hunkering down and resting comfortably in their gated, fenced, walled and even armed-guarded communities.

Bing. Go.

“These same people live in gated communities, many of them, and are featured at events where you have to have an ID even come in and hear them speak,” Sessions said, delivering remarks at the Criminal Justice League Foundation’s annual luncheon in Los Angeles, NBC News noted. “They like a little security around themselves.”

And Sessions didn’t say, but that goes for you, too, Pope Francis.

The pope likes to point fingers at America and chastise this president for daring to close borders — and then race his little golf cart back to the walled safety of Vatican City. Enough of the hypocrisy, already.

“And if you try to scale the fence,” Sessions went on, “believe me, they’ll be even too happy to have you arrested and separated from your children. And I would like to see that.”

Wouldn’t we all.

After all, we regular folk of the country, legal as we may be, have to at times even take our shoes off and run through a metal detector check-in process before entering the hallowed office halls of the very lawmakers who want to law-break and let in all the illegals — and those are offices we pay for, too.

Why the so-tight security checks?

Why, it’s all in the name of securing the safety of our national leaders — the same national leaders who have separate doors and separate entrances and the right to speed by these same security measures on their walks to their tax-paid offices.

In other words: Taxpayers not only pay for the security that protects these legislative leaders. Tax dollars also pay to keep the taxpaying citizens away from these legislative leaders. We pay to keep ourselves out. Go figure.

But then some in Congress actually have the audacity to demand open borders? To unleash whomever-may-come on the taxpaying regular folk citizens of America?

It’s a fend for yourself type of governance. A real “I got mine, who cares if you get yours” approach to leading. And Sessions is right.

“The rhetoric we hear from the other side on this issue — as on so many others — has become radicalized. We hear views on television today that are on the lunatic fringe, frankly,” he said. “And what is perhaps more galling is the hypocrisy.

Yes, it’s the hypocrisy that sickens.

The solution for it, of course, is to turn the tables and demand these same politicos who want open borders go without their own armed protection details and gate-guarded security systems for a month, a week, even a day. That’s really what they’re asking the rest of the country’s citizens to do, by pressing back against this president’s policies on immigration, isn’t it? So, let’s strip ’em of their taxpayer-funded security for a bit. Tit-for-tat, see how they like it, and so forth.

“Sessions, where’s your heart?” protesters outside of the attorney general’s speaking gig chanted, NBC News reported.

A reply?

Democrats: Where’s your brain?

Enforcing border controls is not an act of cruelty.

But demanding open borders in the morning, heading back to the safety of armed guarded, metal-detected offices in the afternoon and going home to sleep safely behind gated communities at night are pure acts of hypocrisy. The American people deserve better. The American people deserve lawmakers who live as they preach — or, at least, who preach as they live.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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