By Associated Press - Tuesday, June 26, 2018

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Latest on primaries and runoffs in seven states (all times local):

1:30 a.m.

It was a mixed bag for teachers running for political office in Oklahoma but a bad night for incumbent Republicans who voted against a tax package earlier this year to fund a teacher pay raise.

Several GOP incumbents who voted against the tax hikes were either ousted from office or pulled into a runoff against a fellow GOP opponent, a signal some teacher candidates say bodes well for them in November.

Of the 10 “no” voters in the House who were running for re-election, two were defeated outright on Tuesday night - Reps. Chuck Strohm of Jenks and Scott McEachin of Tulsa. Seven others were pulled into an Aug. 28 primary runoff against fellow Republicans.

Four other Republican incumbents lost on Tuesday, including one who lost to a teacher.


12:20 a.m.

Oklahoma Lt. Gov. Todd Lamb has conceded in the Republican primary to replace term-limited GOP Gov. Mary Fallin.

The 46-year-old Lamb told supporters Tuesday at an election night party that it appears he lacks the votes to make a two-way runoff for the nomination. Former Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett had already clinched a spot in the Aug. 28 runoff. Tulsa businessman Kevin Stitt held a slight lead over Lamb for the second spot with nearly all votes counted in the 10-candidate Republican primary.

Stitt is the founder and CEO of Jenks-based Gateway Mortgage Group and a political newcomer who has painted himself as the outsider.

Former Oklahoma Attorney General Drew Edmondson won the Democratic nomination for governor Tuesday and will face the winner of the Republican runoff in November.


12:15 a.m.

President Donald Trump is congratulating his onetime critic Mitt Romney on his Republican primary win in the U.S. Senate race in Utah.

Trump tweeted Tuesday that he looks forward to working with Romney and said “a great and loving family will be coming to D.C.”

Romney’s landslide win came two years after he blasted then-candidate Trump as a “phony” and a “fraud” during the 2016 campaign.

Romney’s rhetoric has changed dramatically since then, and he’s predicted that Trump will win another term in 2020.

Still, he’s stopped short of endorsing him and pledged to speak out on any “significant” examples of racism, sexism or divisiveness from the president.

Romney now faces Democrat Jenny Wilson, but GOP candidates are favored in conservative Utah.



Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says she hopes her unexpected win in New York’s Democratic congressional primary over longtime incumbent Rep. Joe Crowley shows the power of grassroots political organizing even in the shadow of a much-better funded opponent.

The 28-year-old says, “It can’t just be money that we rely on.”

The Bronx-born Ocasio-Cortez has never held elected office. She soundly defeated Crowley in New York’s 14th Congressional District, which covers parts of the Bronx and Queens.

She says as someone who lives in that community, “I felt the absence of the incumbent. I knew he didn’t have a strong presence.”

She spent time working in U.S. Sen. Edward Kennedy’s office during college and worked for Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign.

Ocasio-Cortez will face Republican Anthony Pappas in November.


11:25 p.m.

The co-owner of giant wine retailer Total Wine & More has won Maryland’s Democratic primary for the state’s only open congressional seat.

David Trone finished first in Tuesday’s crowded race in the state’s 6th district.

Two years ago, Trone broke a record as the biggest self-funder for a House candidate. He spent $13.4 million in a failed primary bid for the 8th District congressional seat. He’s reported spending about $10 million of his own money in this race.

Trone has highlighted the opioid crisis as a top concern and focused on job creation. He says his business created close to 7,000 jobs in 24 states.

The district has been criticized as one of the state’s most gerrymandered. Rep. John Delaney doesn’t live in the 6th District and isn’t running for re-election. He’s seeking the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020.


11:20 p.m.

Tony Campbell has won Maryland’s Republican nomination in the state’s crowded primary for a U.S. Senate seat.

Eleven Republican candidates campaigned ahead of Tuesday’s race.

Campbell teaches politics at Towson University in Maryland and was a chaplain in the Army. Among the issues central to his campaign is education reform.

Campbell faces popular, well-funded U.S. Sen. Ben Cardin in the November general election. Earlier Tuesday night, Cardin won the Democratic nomination for his bid to earn a third term, beating convicted leaker Chelsea Manning and six others.

Cardin has name recognition within the state. He served 20 years in the U.S. House before becoming a senator in 2006.


11:10 p.m.

President Donald Trump is reveling in the primary loss of longtime Democratic congressman Joseph Crowley of New York, saying he should have been “nicer, and more respectful, to his President!”

Trump issued a series of tweets as election results came in from seven states Tuesday.

One of the biggest upsets was Crowley’s loss to 28-year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who worked for Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign. She has never held elected office.

Trump tweeted: “Wow! Big Trump Hater Congressman Joe Crowley, who many expected was going to take Nancy Pelosi’s place, just LOST his primary election.” He added: “Perhaps he should have been nicer, and more respectful, to his President!”

The 14th Congressional District, which includes parts of the Bronx and Queens, is a liberal area of New York City, where Trump is largely unpopular.


11:05 p.m.

Marilyn Mosby has won the Democratic nomination for a second term as Baltimore’s chief prosecutor and is expected to run unopposed in November’s general election.

She beat challengers Ivan Bates and Thiru Vignarajah in Tuesday’s hard-fought primary in the overwhelmingly Democratic city.

Mosby made international headlines in 2015 when she declared that six police officers would be held accountable for the broken neck of a black man whose death in custody triggered riots and protests. She failed to get a conviction in the Freddie Gray case. Nonetheless, Mosby has trumpeted her leading role in the case as many residents admired her decision to swiftly charge the officers.

Her primary victory comes as Baltimore continues to struggle with a punishing rate of killings and high rates of other crimes.


11 p.m.

Former Tulsa County District Attorney Tim Harris has advanced to a runoff election for the Republican nomination in Oklahoma’s 1st Congressional District.

The longtime prosecutor advances in a five-candidate field for the GOP nomination for the open Tulsa-area district. A runoff election is set for Aug. 28, and the winner will meet the Democratic nominee in the Nov. 6 general election.

First elected DA in 1998, Harris is the longest serving district attorney in the county’s history. He retired in 2014.

The seat has been vacant since April when former U.S. Rep. Jim Bridenstine resigned to become administrator of NASA.

President Donald Trump nominated Bridenstine to head the space agency in September.


10:55 p.m.

Defense consultant Amie (AH’-mee) Hoeber has won the Maryland Republican primary for U.S. House in her second consecutive nomination for the seat.

Hoeber beat three other Republicans in Tuesday’s race.

In 2016, she lost the general election to incumbent Rep. John Delaney, who isn’t running for re-election this year. He’s seeking the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020.

Hoeber served as deputy undersecretary of the Army during President Ronald Reagan’s administration. She oversaw the Army’s research and development programs and managed environmental cleanup of decommissioned bases.

She’s pointed to her defense expertise as a background to help steer defense work to the district.

The district includes western Maryland and portions of the Washington suburbs. It’s criticized as one of the state’s most gerrymandered districts.


10:48 p.m.

Former Oklahoma City mayor Mick Cornett has advanced to the August runoff to decide who gets the Republican nomination in the state’s governor’s race.

The 59-year-old Cornett is among top vote getters in Tuesday’s GOP primary election in the crowded 10-man field seeking to replace Republican Gov. Mary Fallin, who is term limited. The primary runoff is Aug. 28. The general election is in November.

Cornett is a former television reporter who was first elected mayor of Oklahoma City in 2004 and served four consecutive terms during a revitalization of the state’s capital city.

Political newcomer and businessman Kevin Stitt and Lt. Gov. Todd Lamb are also considered favorites headed for the Republican runoff.


10:45 p.m.

Former NAACP President Ben Jealous has won the Democratic nomination for governor in Maryland, setting up a battle between the liberal candidate and a popular Republican incumbent.

Jealous beat Prince George’s County Executive Rushern Baker. Both candidates are black, and Jealous now has a shot at becoming the state’s first black governor and the country’s third elected black governor.

Jealous faces Gov. Larry Hogan in the general election.

Jealous won support from leading liberals on the national stage, including Sens. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Cory Booker of New Jersey, and Kamala Harris of California.

Jealous supports tuition-free college educations and expanding Medicare to all. He also advocates raising teacher pay by 29 percent and funding full-day, universal pre-kindergarten with tax revenue from his proposal to legalize recreational marijuana.


10:40 p.m.

Turnout is up significantly in Colorado’s primary, thanks in large part to a new state law allowing unaffiliated voters to participate in the two parties’ nominating contests for the first time.

According to preliminary figures from the Colorado Secretary of State’s Office, more than 32 percent of the state’s 3.2 million active voters cast ballots in Tuesday’s primary election, up from 21 percent in 2016.

Unaffiliated voters, who make up roughly a third of the state’s electorate, represent the bulk of the increase. They cast more than 250,000 votes, or about 8 percentage points of the turnout.

Preliminary voter turnout among members of the two major parties was up about 3 percentage points.

Enthusiasm is one possible factor. Turnout has been high in primary elections across the country, among Democrats in particular. This year’s ballot also had interesting races. Colorado did not have a presidential primary in 2016. This year, both parties have contested gubernatorial primaries atop the ticket.


10:35 p.m.

A state senator in South Carolina has won the Republican nomination for U.S. Rep. Trey Gowdy’s open seat.

William Timmons was nominated after Tuesday’s runoff. He had finished second to former state Sen. Lee Bright in the June 12 primary.

Timmons was the choice of establishment Republicans, picking up a number of endorsements and quiet support. He is similar to Gowdy, who spent eight years in the House and led a highly partisan panel investigating the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya.

Timmons was a prosecutor and successful businessman who spent more than $900,000 of his own money on his campaign.

Timmons will take on businessman Brandon Brown, who won the Democratic runoff Tuesday.


10:30 p.m.

Gov. Henry McMaster says he will use his relationship with President Donald Trump to bring prosperity to South Carolina.

McMaster told supporters gathered to celebrate his victory in Tuesday’s Republican gubernatorial runoff that he was glad to have a friend in the president and knew that the state would benefit from their relationship.

Trump endorsed McMaster in his pursuit of a first full term in office and campaigned for him just hours before polls opened for Tuesday’s voting.

Greenville businessman John Warren congratulated McMaster on his victory but told his own supporters he hoped they could continue their momentum in forging a new brand of conservatism in South Carolina.


10:27 p.m.

Mitt Romney has won the Republican primary for a Utah Senate seat, setting him on the path to restart his political career with a Senate seat left open by retiring Sen. Orrin Hatch.

Romney secured the nomination Tuesday against state lawmaker Mike Kennedy after fending off attacks on his onetime criticism of President Donald Trump.

Romney was the heavy favorite to win the race in Utah, where he moved after his failed 2012 presidential run and is a beloved adopted son.

Romney blasted Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign, though the two men have largely buried the hatchet, and Romney has accepted the president’s endorsement.

He now faces Democratic Salt Lake County Councilwoman Jenny Wilson, though GOP candidates have an upper hand in the conservative state.


10:25 p.m.

U.S. Rep. Joseph Crowley says he wishes “the best” for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the challenger who beat him in the Democratic congressional primary in New York in a highly unexpected upset.

The 10-term incumbent thanked supporters and expressed his love Tuesday for the people of the 14th Congressional District, which includes parts of the Bronx and Queens.

Twenty-eight-year-old Ocasio-Cortez has never held elected office. She worked for Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign.

She was outspent by an 18-1 margin but won the endorsement of some influential groups on the party’s left, including MoveOn.

Crowley says, “I want nothing but the best for Ms. Ocasio-Cortez. I want her to be victorious.”

Crowley had been considered a candidate to become the next House speaker if Democrats win the majority.

Republican candidate Anthony Pappas is running unopposed.


10:20 p.m.

Oklahoma voters have backed the medicinal use of marijuana despite opposition from law enforcement and business, faith and political leaders.

State Question 788 was the result of an activist-led signature drive. It allows physicians to approve medical marijuana licenses for people to legally grow, keep and use cannabis. The proposal doesn’t list any qualifying medical conditions, allowing doctors to prescribe it for a wide range of ailments.

Opponents had argued the proposal was too loosely written, and Republican Gov. Mary Fallin said it would essentially allow recreational use. She recently warned that if the measure passed, she would have to call lawmakers into a special session to develop rules regulating the industry in Oklahoma.

It’s the first marijuana question on a state ballot in 2018. Elections are scheduled for later this year in Michigan and Utah.


9:50 p.m.

In a shocking upset, U.S. Rep. Joseph Crowley has been defeated by a 28-year-old Bernie Sanders supporter in the Democratic congressional primary in New York.

Crowley had been considered a candidate to become the next House speaker if Democrats win the majority.

He was defeated Tuesday by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who has never held elected office.

Ocasio-Cortez ran a low-budget campaign and was outspent by an 18-1 margin. She won the endorsement of some influential groups on the party’s left, including MoveOn.

Crowley has been in Congress since 1999. He represents New York’s 14th Congressional District, which includes parts of the Bronx and Queens.

Ocasio-Cortez has been a community organizer in the Bronx and worked on Sanders’ presidential campaign.


9:47 p.m.

U.S. Rep. Jared Polis has won the Democratic primary in the race to replace Colorado Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper.

Polis secured the nomination Tuesday against former state Treasurer Cary Kennedy, former state Sen. Mike Johnston and Lt. Gov. Donna Lynne.

Polis is a five-term congressman, former state board of education member and self-made millionaire and philanthropist.

He supports publicly-funded preschool and kindergarten, forgiveness of college debt, single-payer health care and promoting renewable energy.

State law prohibits Hickenlooper from serving a third consecutive term.

Tuesday’s primary was the first in which unaffiliated voters, the state’s largest voting bloc, could participate in one or the other of the major party primaries.

Colorado hasn’t elected a Republican governor since Bill Owens, who served from 1999 to 2007.


9:45 p.m.

Former Oklahoma Attorney General Drew Edmondson has defeated ex-state Sen. Connie Johnson to win the Democratic nomination in the race to be the state’s next governor.

Edmondson will face the eventual Republican nominee in November.

Edmondson’s victory Tuesday was something he was unable to do in 2010. He was upset in that Democratic primary by then-Lt. Gov. Jari Askins.

The 71-year-old Edmondson is a Vietnam War veteran from Muskogee who served four terms as Oklahoma attorney general and had a huge fundraising advantage over Johnson. The $1.5 million he raised was more than 20 times as much as Johnson, a 66-year-old former state senator from Oklahoma City.

Johnson has been a longtime champion of legalizing marijuana and abolishing the death penalty.


9:40 p.m.

U.S. Rep. Dan Donovan has survived a fierce challenge in New York’s Republican primary from Michael Grimm, a former congressman who resigned to go to prison for tax fraud.

Donovan represents New York’s 11th Congressional District, which covers Staten Island and part of Brooklyn.

Grimm served more than seven months in prison after pleading guilty in 2014 to cheating the government out of taxes at his Manhattan restaurant.

He was leading in at least one poll when President Donald Trump weighed in on the race last month, urging voters to stick with Donovan.

Trump said in a tweet that a vote for Grimm risked handing the seat to Democrats.

Donovan is New York City’s only Republican congressman.

He is seeking a third term.


9:35 p.m.

Mississippi Democrats have nominated state Rep. David Baria to challenge incumbent U.S. Sen. Roger Wicker, lining up behind a party stalwart as they reject a bid by a newcomer.

Baria is a Bay St. Louis attorney. He beat venture capitalist Howard Sherman of Meridian in Tuesday’s runoff.

Many Democratic politicians backed Baria, the state House minority leader, arguing that Sherman was an unknown quantity. The husband of actress Sela Ward, Sherman voted as a Republican in California and donated to Wicker. Sherman said that was an effort to prevent a tea party conservative from winning office.

Baria says he has the experience to make the uphill campaign against Wicker and be a productive senator.

The Reform Party’s Shawn O’Hara of Hattiesburg and Libertarian Danny Bedwell of Columbus also are running in November.


9:30 p.m.

State Treasurer Walker Stapleton has won the Republican primary for Colorado governor.

Stapleton secured the nomination Tuesday against businessmen Victor Mitchell, Doug Robinson and Greg Lopez.

Stapleton led a field that collectively vowed to defend any attempt to tamper with Colorado’s constitutional Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights, which leaves it to voters to approve tax hikes. He also aligned himself with President Donald Trump on immigration, health care and the federal tax plan.

Stapleton has aired an ad in which he states, “I’ll stand with Donald Trump to get illegal aliens who commit crimes deported.” In the ad, Stapleton blames Congress for an immigration policy that separates children from their parents along the border.

State law prohibits Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper from serving a third consecutive term.


9:25 p.m.

Maryland Sen. Ben Cardin has won the Democratic nomination for his bid to earn a third term, beating Chelsea Manning and six others.

The popular and well-funded incumbent easily took victory in Tuesday’s crowded primary.

Cardin’s best-known rival was Manning, the convicted leaker of U.S. government secrets. She ran an unorthodox, grassroots campaign that failed to resonate with many voters.

Outside Manning’s involvement, the contest attracted such little attention that there were no debates, few candidate forums and hardly any polling.

Cardin has name recognition within the state. He served 20 years in the U.S. House before becoming a senator in 2006. In his last primary, he easily defeated eight challengers.


9:15 p.m.

South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster has secured the Republican gubernatorial nomination for a first full term in office, after President Donald Trump publicly embraced him at a rally and followed up with a tweet encouraging voters.

McMaster defeated Greenville businessman John Warren in Tuesday’s primary runoff.

McMaster became governor when Nikki Haley left the office in 2017 to join the Trump administration as U.N. ambassador. As lieutenant governor, McMaster was the first statewide elected official in the country to back Trump’s candidacy.

The runoff pitting McMaster against Warren threatened to embarrass the White House if the governor fell short. Trump has a mixed track record when going all-in for candidates.

McMaster was unsuccessful in his previous bid for the governorship in 2010, losing a four-way GOP primary to Haley.

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