- The Washington Times - Thursday, June 21, 2018

Michael Bloomberg, the Democrat who turned Republican so as to better his chances to become New York City mayor — and who later morphed again and became an Independent — is now turning back to his blue roots and pledging $80 million to help the party of donkeys win in coming elections.

Of course he is. No doubt this is Bloomberg’s big play for the presidency in 2020.

If he thought he could beat President Donald Trump, he’d run Republican. But as it is, the economy’s booming, ISIS is dispersing and disappearing, consumer confidence is growing and tax cuts are starting to kick. What’s left for an aspiring politician with deep pockets to do but run as a Democrat?

And so a’trashing Trump we will go.

In May, Bloomberg spoke in disdain of what he labeled as “alternative facts” coming from this White House, and pledged an additional $42 million for U.S. cities, in support of “mayors and city halls.”

He said in his philanthropy’s annual report, Forbes reported: “There has always been spin in politics, but this is different. Disdain for facts is making it harder for America to address major challenges here and around the world.”

Now, he’s going after Republicans in the House, ostensibly to target those who are heavy on the pro-Trump policy side.

In Bloomberg, he wrote of his previous financial support of politicians of all ideologies — from the $10 million he put in the Pennsylvania race to help elect Republican Pat Toomey to the “roughly same amount” sent to Democrat Maggie Hassan win in New Hampshire.

“Over the years,” he wrote, “I have supported candidates in both parties who were willing to break with partisanship and the special interests and seek common ground … [on the likes of] gun safety, environmental and immigration reform measures.”

In other words: No strong conservatives need apply.

Bloomberg hasn’t announced yet which races he’ll target with his $80 million. But his goal is to take back the House for the Democrats.

His goal is to tear down Trump’s intended work in the White House.

“Republicans,” Bloomberg wrote, “have done little to reach across the aisle to craft bipartisan solutions — not only on guns and climate change, but also on jobs, immigration, health care and infrastructure. … In fairness, some Republicans have taken their constitutional and legislative responsibilities seriously, like my friend John McCain.”

That pretty much says it all.

Trump’s been too successful at bringing forth his Make America Great Again and America First policies — despite the loud and angry opposition of Republicans-In-Name-Only like McCain, despite the attempts of establishment and elite GOPers to stall and stop the reforms.

So Bloomberg’s going Democrat so he can most expediently fight Trump. And, as his logic likely goes, if his $80 million happens to buy enough party loyalty to open the door to his run for the White House in 2020 — well then, so be it.

Hopefully, this time around, he’ll stick with the Democrats. 

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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