- The Washington Times - Thursday, June 14, 2018

Hillary Clinton, move over. And take your “what difference, at this point, does it make” soulful query about truth with you.

’Cause there’s a new shocking phrase in town and it’s one that goes like this: Dear Lisa Page, don’t worry, Trump won’t be president, “we’ll stop it.” Love, Peter Strzok.

The exact messaging? Then-attorney Page wrote in August of 2016: “[Trump’s] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!” And Strzok wrote back: “No. No he’s not. We’ll stop it.”

The really eye-opening part, of course, is the fact that Page and Strzok were employed with the FBI during Trump’s campaign, busying themselves, apparently, with writing anti-Trump messages back and forth. Who’s “we?” That’s a good question.

Then-Deputy Assistant Director Strzok didn’t specify. And while Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report said the bias of these two officials didn’t have any effect in the handling of the agency’s look at Clinton’s email server scandal, fact is — what a cloud over the FBI.

The same FBI that’s been pushing a Russia collusion narrative against President Donald Trump since his starting days in the White House.

It’s nice FBI Director Christopher Wray is going to force agency employees to undergo bias training and learn better ways of keeping their personal politics out of the job.

But that’s all future tense. Past tense shows some serious anti-Trump vendettas going on at the agency. And that’s trickled into the present — but by how much, we still don’t know.

No matter what, it’s clear: This whole deep state madness Trump’s been calling out has just been given new wings. So, too, the witch hunt accusations slung Robert Mueller’s way, for his ongoing failures to tie anything “Russia Collusion” to Team Trump — or “Russia Conflict of Interest,” for that matter.

Back in 2016, facing questions from a member of Congress about Benghazi, an obviously frustrated Clinton shouted out: “What difference, at this point, does it make?” The nation gasped; the appearance was that Clinton didn’t give a hoot for truth.

Well, “we’ll stop it” is worse. And it’s a phrase that’s going to define the FBI for some time.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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