- The Washington Times - Friday, June 1, 2018

President Trump on Friday honored the achievements of outgoing Commandant of the Coast Guard Adm. Paul F. Zukunft, crediting him with modernizing and strengthening the Coast Guard.

“He brought remarkable vision to the task of ensuring the Coast Guard’s rightful place at the forefront of American security and prosperity,” said Mr. Trump.

The president delivered the remarks at a changing-of-the-guard ceremony at Coast Guard headquarters in Washington, where Adm. Karl L. Schultz relieved Adm. Zukunft.

“Everyone here understands a crucial fact, America is safe because our Coast Guard is strong,” said Mr. Trump. “You are the elite force that defends our borders, patrols our waters, protects cities and keeps our enemies at bay.”

Adm. Zukunft, who served 40 years in the Coast Guard, has led the service branch as commandant since 2014.

Mr. Trump said Adm. Zukunft “poured his heart and soul” into the service. He credited his leadership with establishing the Coast Guards cyber-security strategy and expanding the Coast Guard’s reach into the Arctic.

Mr. Trump said the Coast Guard would continue to improve under the leadership of Adm. Schultz, which would be aided by a boost in military spending.

The service will get more heavy icebreakers, patrol boats and other equipment, said the president, thanks to the $700 billion in military spending this year and $716 billion next year.

“You are going to have to split it up with some others but it’s all right,” said Mr. Trump.

• S.A. Miller can be reached at smiller@washingtontimes.com.

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