- The Washington Times - Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Democrats hate America.

That’s one takeaway from a recent Gallup poll that shows only 32 percent of Dems are “extremely proud” to be an American, versus a substantially higher number of Republicans.

Of course, that’s a bit snarky. The low showing on the “extremely proud” scale doesn’t necessarily translate into “I hate America.”

But any half-hearted political watcher can see that for him- or herself, anyway. Antifa, anyone? Maxine Waters? Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders, and the whole rising batch of self-identifying socialists who are somehow creeping out of their dirt piles to swear allegiance to a country they want to substantially change?

Yes, a case — a very strong case — can indeed be made that Democrats do hate America, so much that they want to completely uproot its base systems, toss them to the trash, and institute new.

The survey, however, only rated how much respondents said they were “extremely proud” to be American. And overall, only 47 percent of U.S. adults described themselves that way.

That’s not very high by itself. But break it down by party, and the differences are huge. How huge? Republicans to the tune of 74 percent said they were “extremely proud” to be American, compared to 32 percent of Democrats.

Democrats in 2016, however, felt a bit different. Then, at a time when Barack Obama was still president, fully 46 percent professed extreme pride in being an American.

So one can only surmise that the left only likes America when a progressive-slash-socialist is at the helm — which, in constitutional terms, would mean the Dems only profess pride in America when America’s headed down a path it was never intended to tread. How quaint.

“Politics appears to be a factor,” Gallup reported of its findings, “Left-leaning groups’ antipathy toward Donald Trump and their belief that other countries look unfavorably on the president are likely factors in their decline in patriotism, particularly the sharp drops in the past year.”

Yes, the left is down in the dumps over this president, that’s for certain. But thing is, the way Democrats are acting — the crazy train they’ve been riding — virtually guarantees they’re going to face another wave of Republican leadership, another four years of the very White House administration they detest.

Hang on, poll-watchers. Those numbers for “extremely proud” to be an American are only going to go lower for the left, as the election season progresses.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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