- The Washington Times - Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Congresswoman Maxine Waters assured CNBC’s John Harwood on Wednesday that the Democratic Party has very few members who are “to the left of the left.”

One of President Trump’s staunchest critics says the rise of Democratic Socialists within the party should be of no concern to midterm voters this November. The California lawmaker touted her capitalist credentials while downplaying Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s recent victory over New York Rep. Joe Crowley.

“The Democratic Party is not a socialist party,” she said during CNBC’s Capital Exchange event in Washington. “I just don’t think our party should be identified because we have a few people who seem to be to the left of the left.”

Ms. Waters was also asked if she was a capitalist.

“Of course,” she responded.

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren responded the same way when asked by Mr. Harwood on Tuesday.

SEE ALSO: Maxine Waters: ‘No credibility’ knock on James Comey doesn’t apply to his Trump criticism

“I believe in markets. What I don’t believe in is theft,” Ms. Warren said. “What I don’t believe in is cheating. That’s where the difference is. I love what markets can do. I love what functioning economies can do. … Markets without rules is about the rich take it all. It’s about the powerful get all of it. And that’s what’s gone wrong in America.”

Ms. Waters’ interview eventually delved into her opposition to the president, at which time she reiterated that he “is eligible for impeachment.”

“I think he’s dangerous,” she said. “I don’t know why people take it. I think Americans should be out in the streets screaming to the top of their voice. Do something. Make something happen.”

• Douglas Ernst can be reached at dernst@washingtontimes.com.

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