- The Washington Times - Wednesday, July 25, 2018

The left, with Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, is up to its usual hysterical nonsense, it seems.

From Sen. Cory Booker, at a press conference with his Senate colleague, Elizabeth Warren: “I’m here to call on folks to understand that in a moral moment, there is no neutral. In a moral moment, there is no bystanders. You are either complicit in the evil, you are either contributing to the wrong, or you are fighting against it.”

That was his rally call to oppose Kavanaugh — fight the evil.

“[His nomination] has nothing to do with politics,” Booker said, The Hill reported, but rather “who we are as moral beings.”

But those who support his nomination are “evil?”


“He has shown us who he is,” Booker said.

Warren jumped aboard the vitriol bandwagon, too.

“We are on the moral side of history” for opposing Kavanaugh, she said.

At the same time, Democrats don’t really have a confirmation leg to stand on here.

“They can’t block the nominee on their own,” The Hill noted, “but they’re under intense pressure from liberals to wage a full-scale attack … and score a major victory heading into the midterm elections.”

Good luck with that.

Sen. Susan Collins, one of the Democrats’ targets to vote against Kavanaugh, doesn’t seem to be biting. Neither does Sen. Lisa Murkowski, another so-called swing Republican the Democrats have in their anti-Kavanaugh sights.

One senator who could make a difference in the final tally?

Sen. Rand Paul, who’s told voters he’s “honestly undecided” on Kavanaugh. Prediction? That’ll change; Paul will vote for Kavanaugh.

And so won’t a couple of Democrats more moderate in nature. Sen. Joe Manchin, for example, has scheduled an hourlong sit-down with Kavanaugh for July 30 — a meeting that sends a message, hey, I’ve got an open mind. (Or maybe it’s this message: Hey, I’ve got a re-election I’m facing in a heavily pro-Trump state.) Either way. Manchin did vote for Neil Gorsuch, Trump’s first Supreme Court win.

Fact is: Kavanaugh is on track for confirmation. And the left is worried, to say the least.

“If Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed,” one headline from the far-left Think Progress ran, “the Constitution is going to change so fast your head will spin.”

Yes, indeed. It’ll be a court of law, heavy on constitutional concerns and Founding Father intent — and that’s why the Democrats, who favor activism, emotion and thug-like politics, are biting nails hard.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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