- The Washington Times - Friday, July 20, 2018

In the case of Jeanine Pirro v. Whoopi Goldberg, the court of public opinion finds in favor of — the good judge.

So goes the ruling from the recent showdown on “The View,” the one where the thin-skinned Whoopi couldn’t take the factually superior Pirro and in frustration, resorted to screaming.

“Whoopi Goldberg Blows Up, Ends ’The View’ Interview with Judge Jeanine Pirro: ’Goodby,’ ” one headline at Real Clear Politics ran.

Yes, that’s pretty much it. The clips are worthwhile to watch.

But the backstory’s this: Pirro was invited — invited — to appear on “The View.” She defended President Donald Trump’s policies and platforms and politics, using such facts as the economy and the unemployment rate and yada, yada — and basically, Goldberg couldn’t take it, particularly the part when Pirro accused her of having “Trump Derangement Syndrome.” That’s when the fireworks flew and Goldberg did what Democrats always do when they can’t field the facts and face their own shortcomings.

She pitched a hissy.

“Did you just point at me? Listen, I don’t have Trump derangement [syndrome],” Goldberg said. “Let me tell you what I have. I’m tired of people starting a conversation with ’Mexicans are liars and rapists.’ “

The back-and-forth went on for a bit, with Pirro tossing facts — “You know what’s horrible? When people who shouldn’t be here end up murdering the children of American citizens. What’s horrible is we have sanctuary cities” — and Goldberg going shrill — “What is horrible is when the president of the United States whips up people to beat the hell out of people.”

And it came to a dramatic end when Goldberg shot, “Say goodbye, I’m done.”

And get this: Thursday on Fox radio with Sean Hannity, Pirro said Goldberg’s tantrum continued back stage.

“I went on thinking we would have a discussion about [my new] book,” Pirro said, Breitbart reported. “The truth is that it was an attack on Donald Trump and then on me. … When I went off the stage, Sean, I was walking downstairs and I said something like, ‘Whoopi, I’ve fought for victims my whole life,’ and she came at me as I was leaving and she said ‘F— you’ in my face, literally spitting at me. ’F— you, get the F out of this building.’ And I said to her, ’did you just ay that?’ … And she was screaming at me, and I’m walking out of the building like a dog who was just kicked.”

Unbelievable. Let’s remember this basic notion, too: Pirro was an invited guest.

As Pirro noted on Twitter, post-show: “This is an example of how the left is intolerant.”

Exactly. Goldberg’s the face of the left — the face of intolerance. She could’ve engaged in civil discourse and polite disagreement with Pirro. But she didn’t; she went low, she went deep into the mud. And once again, the left shows itself as the intolerant tyrannical beast it really is.

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