- Wednesday, July 18, 2018

It is an honor for us to be with you in these historic days and to convey to you the greetings of His Excellency President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi and the Yemeni people.

We are confident that the heroic Iranian people and President Maryam Rajavi, the a symbol of determination, will prevail in the near future. We have all the will and uphold the principles of truth, law, peace, stability, love and development, and tomorrow we will see it soon. We assure you that we will work together to curb and stop the blatant interference of the Iranian regime. The deterioration of the infrastructure and the humanitarian situation that my country has suffered since the coup of the militias and its control by force, violence, killing and threats, is exactly the same as happened in Iran 40 years ago when the Khomeinists controlled Tehran. The success of it is mentioned only the spawning of small terrorist organizations such as the Houthis, Hezbollah and others, the popular uprisings in Iran and the liberation of Hodeidah coincide, and these promises of hope and victory are coming.

Amb. Riyadh Yaseen is the Yemeni Ambassador to France and former Foreign Minister.

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