- The Washington Times - Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Author’s note: Sean Spicer was erroneously cited in the original version of this piece. The reference has been removed. The author regrets the error.

President Donald Trump delivered what most hailed as a very strong State of the Union speech that hit the high points, addressed the low points and soothed and smoothed over the partisan points — and through it all, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi managed to maintain a scowl.

Other Democrats may have their hands-sitting, but when it comes to expressing distaste with this president, Pelosi takes the cake. Bluntly put, the woman looked pissed.

Now it’s true, others in her party managed to convey dissatisfaction during the speech.

But nobody did dour like Pelosi. 

Somebody ought to make a montage of her State of the Union face. It’s classic Democrat disgust and can no doubt be used time and again as a pictorial expression of scorn in future news and blog reports.

Other Dems took to Twitter to voice their opposition to Trump’s rhetoric.

From Sen. Tim Kaine: “If President Trump is serious about finally getting things done, I have an idea of where he could start: Step 1. Stop using offensive rhetoric to tout a plan that would divide families. Step 2. Start supporting the bipartisan work we’re doing in the Senate to protect Dreamers.”

Did Kaine not hear Trump speak of the pathway to citizenship for 1.8 million so-called Dreamers?

From Rep. Luis Gutierrez, in a statement: “I was hoping to get through my life without having to witness an outwardly, explicitly racist American president, but my luck ran out.”

Count on Gutierrez to bring the divisiveness. But fact is, Trump’s speech was strong and unifying.

“This speech,” wrote pollster Frank Luntz, on Twitter, “is going to have a measurable impact on Trump’s favorability and popularity. He’s saying exactly what people want to hear.”

And that, no doubt, is exactly why Pelosi was able to keep her sourpuss scowl intact the length of the speech.

Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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