- Monday, January 29, 2018

Stephen Moore, a champion of free markets and a leading conservative voice on the economy and taxes for more than two decades, has been named The Washington Times’ associate opinion editor.

Mr. Moore, 57, will continue to write his weekly column and work with Times’ Opinion Editor Charles Hurt assembling a daily four-page section of commentary, columns and book reviews that has long been one of Washington’s most influential forums for conservative thought and policy analysis.

“There is no greater voice preaching prosperity and free markets in Washington today than Stephen Moore,’’ Mr. Hurt said. “He doesn’t just talk and write about these things. He has a track record of proving their success. We are delighted to have him join the Opinion pages.”

Mr. Moore served as a senior economic adviser to Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign where he helped draft the Trump tax plan that was recently enacted into law. He is an author and frequent commentator on CNN and Fox News. Mr. Moore founded the Club for Growth, a pro-market advocacy group, in 1999 and served as its first president. He is also a cofounder with Steve Forbes, Larry Kudlow and Arthur Laffer of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity.

“It’s exciting to add to my role at The Washington Times. The paper has long served as a premier news outlet in the nation’s capital,’’ Mr. Moore said. “The commentary section has been a must-read for conservatives every morning for as long as I have lived in Washington.”

The Illinois native, who has earned a B.A. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a master’s in economics from George Mason University, has been a senior economics fellow at the Cato Institute and senior economist at the Congressional Joint Economic Committee.

He later served on the editorial board of The Wall Street Journal before joining the Heritage Foundation in 2014 as its chief economist and a distinguished fellow for the think tank’s Project for Economic Growth.

“Mr. Moore has a great ability to dissect and translate economic policy that is often muddied by politics. We’re thrilled for our readers,” said Times’ Executive Editor Christopher Dolan.

He has written or co-written numerous books including the forthcoming “Trumponomics: An Insider’s Story of How Donald Trump Rebuilt the U.S. Economy” (with Mr. Kudlow). He writes regularly on issues related to budget policy, taxes, immigration, politics, economic inequality, energy policy and international economics.

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