- The Washington Times - Friday, January 26, 2018

George Soros, the billionaire who likes to paint himself as a philanthropist to poor people but who really has a much more selfish and self-interested history of manipulating currencies to his benefit, slammed President Donald Trump and his administration during a speech in Davos as dangerous — and then added this snark: But at least this White House won’t be around that long, he said.

Read it and laugh. Soros isn’t exactly known for his prophetic powers.

“I consider the Trump administration a danger to the world,” Soros said, Bloomberg reported. “But I regard it as a purely temporary phenomenon that will disappear in 2020, or even sooner.”

Democrats, he predicted, will win in 2018 by a “landslide.”

No doubt, he’s trying his best to ensure Trump’s White House career will be short. The billionaire has an aversion to all-things-populist — of which Trump is one — as well as all things conservative. And he doesn’t shy from sticking his money into elections to sway them as he sees fit.

Sadly for him, his money isn’t always well spent. Look at this.

“Leaked documents from George Soros’ Open Society Foundations reveal how Soros works to defeat populist candidates and movements in Europe,” the Daily Caller reported in April of 2017. “Soros, a U.S. citizen, uses a network of nonprofits and partner organizations across Europe to try and affect the outcomes of elections in foreign countries, documents show.”

A year earlier, it was this, from Politico.

“George Soros is back,” a July 2016 piece titled “George Soros rises again” read. “The billionaire investor, who scaled back his political giving after a then-unprecedented $27 million spending spree to try to defeat President George W. Bush in 2004, has quietly reemerged as a leading funder of Democratic politics — and as a leading boogeyman of conservatives. Soros has donated or committed more than $25 million to boost Hillary Clinton and other Democratic candidates and causes.”

The takeaway? Soros doesn’t exactly have a recent history of picking political winners.

He lost $27 million trying to defeat Bush.

He lost $25 million trying to help Clinton and her fellow Dems win in 2016.

And now he’s predicting Trump will soon be tossed from office — maybe even sooner than 2020, which is an offhand jab at impeachment?

Bloomberg notes: “Soros’s predictions at last year’s conference in Davos were also gloomy and bearish on Trump, and have yet to pan out. He said that the stock market rally would soon come to an end. Since then, the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index has rallied almost 30 percent.”

Another Soros prediction, another Soros error. The phrase grain of salt is what comes to mind. It’s almost to the point of becoming this: If Soros says yes, then the world should bet no. If Soros goes right, then the world should go left. If Soros predicts a rise of Democrats in 2018 — then conservatives in America might as well start congratulating their Republican Party friends for the upcoming wins right now.

Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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